Reverse a dieing plant

I started to grow a plant but then the steam got too weak fell over and just shriveled up. any ideas how to reverse this if it ever happens again? I put the fan on it to strengthen the steam but it seemed to not want to stay up. I might of over watered it but i thought they need a good amount of water but not to drowned it.
well it was a first grow so i didnt get too serious and well dont have the money to build a good setup. the sun was shining threw my window onto the put and i left the blinds open so it was natural light at natrual times.


Well-Known Member
The lesson for next time is "build a good setup", rather than using your window. You will only get out of this hobby what you put in. Decide how serious you are about growing, and go from there.

For watering, water the soil well, until there is some run-off from the drainage holes, then let the soil dry out pretty well before watering again.


Well-Known Member
like he said. ya get what ya put into it. its possible to start a plant in a windowsill but not all the way through unless u are happy yielding an 1/8 dry of fluffy nugs. get a fan blowing on it too