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  1. S

    30 Site EZ - Cloner Water Temp

    The pump I am referring to is the one for the sprayers, not the one that aerates the water.
  2. S

    30 Site EZ - Cloner Water Temp

    Is your pump running 24/7? If so, that could be the source of your problem. I personally bought a timer that cycles the pump on for 1 minute and off for 5 minutes. This seems to keep the temps at a good place while still providing plenty of moisture. A buddy of mine just cycles his 15min on...
  3. S

    Light - burning smell?

    you could try cleaning the bulb thoroughly (while it's completely cool that is) in case there is some residue or something on there. I would also try cleaning the reflector for the same reason (if you're certain there is no film anywhere that is)
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    High CBD strain

    Cannatonic by Resin Seeds
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    Anyone use non 24 hour light cycles?

    I believe you can only have around 12 hours of daylight to flower. It is my understanding that as the plant is exposed to light, certain hormones start to build up. When the photoperiod is limited to 12 hours those hormones don't build up to peak levels and the plant then starts to flower...
  6. S

    feeding with sugar?

    Unsulphured molasses or, even better, black-strap molasses instead of cane sugar. You want more than just a simple carb, molasses has all kinds of beneficial micro nutrients that will do all sorts of good while achieving also providing a carb source
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    Skunky houseplant...Decoy?

    Could be a good idea, but it may just create more of the skunky odor and attract unnecessary attention. People who would recognize that smell likely wouldn't know that particular plant also had that odor. I've always thought a perfect "smell decoy" would be getting a pet deodorized sunk but...
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    Electrical Question About Master Lighting Controller by C.A.P

    Correct I apologize for the grammatical confusion, I indeed meant to say "THAN".
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    Electrical Question About Master Lighting Controller by C.A.P

    Meant to say, "to have a RED wire in the box also."
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    Electrical Question About Master Lighting Controller by C.A.P

    This Master Lighting Controller is your subpanel. Install a 240v (double pole) breaker in your main panel and run 8/3 wire from the main panel to wherever you install the MLC. In the MLC manual they have a diagram for where to hook the black, red, white and bare wires when you wire the box...
  11. S

    First time using Co2 ?

    The solenoid valve has threads that will fit onto the C02 tank and an A/C cord to plug into the controller. When the valve is energized it opens and when it loses power it closes.