30 Site EZ - Cloner Water Temp


I'm running a 30 site EZ cloner, and my water temp continues to get close to 80 degrees. I've heard that if water goes over 80, you won't get roots. It's been 5 days and I still have not seen roots. I've been manually adding ice cubes (pain in the ass, works for short amounts of time, adjusts pH) and I also put the entire cloning machine in a tote with water, as to cool the machine from the outside.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for keeping the water cooler in the clone machine?

Is your pump running 24/7? If so, that could be the source of your problem. I personally bought a timer that cycles the pump on for 1 minute and off for 5 minutes. This seems to keep the temps at a good place while still providing plenty of moisture. A buddy of mine just cycles his 15min on and 15min off and he doesn't seem to have any problems doing it that way either.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
go freeze water bottles then put them into the machine 2 times a day. morning and night. it works perfect. i got a water chiller and hooked it up to my ez cloner it also works great. either way youll be good.