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  1. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    undoubtedly China played the USA at their own game and profited...but so did your private corporations. 138 BILLION in contracts within 8 days of the start of the conflict
  2. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Inaccurate I'm affraid. The invasion was illegal for a start. Sadaam Hussein was trained at the school of America's (by the USA) how to take over Iraq by coup...which he did. As far as the US were concerned he was 'their guy' He started like a good little puppet should, had a war with Iran...
  3. Rizlared

    So where can we watch free movies?

    Get Kodi Install wookie (build) Have everything you want
  4. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    now, back to looking at some nice buds :)
  5. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    fair assumption, I've seen nothing to contradict this. For anyone who may not be aware, don't assume that power are our elected representatives
  6. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Right, in answer to your question... The CIA is multifaceted and doesn't have a single purpose. Also, they're a bit secretive and they don't keep me in the loop. Unreasonable I think. That said.... (to the best of my knowledge) the CIA started getting involved with regime change in 1953, in...
  7. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    you'll have to excuse my assumption please. I may have judged you by the standards of others
  8. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Oh ok, I expected a mindless defence of right wing policy and you actually asked an interesting question. I'm at work just now but as soon as I get a spare few mins I will answer your (very pertinent) question :)
  9. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Isis arose because the CIA funded them. FACT
  10. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    you quote piers Morgan for fucks sake, he's a tit! It is Americans like you who the rest of the world laugh at. Outstanding ignorance. Take a bow
  11. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    oh my...I'm embarrassed for you. I feel for you, I really do. I wish people could leave their domestic politic confirmation bias alone when discussing international politics. Your reply made me cringe. So inaccurate. Stick to facts, not opinions
  12. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    haters gonna hate. Nice of the powers that be to create a section of the population to hate ;)
  13. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Maybe a bit more practice required, hang on in there, you'll get it
  14. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Stupid reply. Speaks volumes about your maturity...or lack of it
  15. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Ill informed opinions. do some research guys
  16. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    you know fuck all. You simply believe your beliefs
  17. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    more than one practical, actionable suggestion. Not subjective, clear as a bell
  18. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    ok. Stop trying to remove assad. Support him as the leader of Syria rather than supporting his opponents (Isis) for self interest
  19. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    not not slogans. Stop incentivising war, I said make it illegal. Actionable. please pay attention
  20. Rizlared

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    stop funding them! Said that pages ago