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  1. W

    Bud Leaves are droopy, but Fan leaves are like boners

    So I'm on my 4th week of flowering Original set up 4" 8 bulb cool white floures (Yes, I know I was using the wrong bulbs =/) Soil and I water when its needed. Yesterday I did the switch to 400w HPS So I've been noticing that the leaves on my buds are droopy and and down but my fan leaves look...
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    When does flowering begin?

    I've searched everywhere from forums to forums, all of them are confusing because everyone has different tips. So my question is, when does flowering begin? Is it when I switch the light cycle to 12/12 or When my plants start to show bud sites? Do I start feeding my plants micro...
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    Help, I need to figure my flower nutes

    Can you dummy this down for me plz =/
  4. W

    Yellowing on leaves of my Bubba Kush :( I have a girlfriend that is ill and needs it

    Sure here it is Ironite perlite...
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    Here is a weird one

    This made me lawl.
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    Yellowing on leaves of my Bubba Kush :( I have a girlfriend that is ill and needs it

    Easy fix bro, go to your local hydro store get a bottle of cal-mag, then go to your local home depot and get a bag of ironite. Now add cal mag in your nutes, get the Ironite sprinkle 2 teaspoons around the plant but make sure its no where near the trunk. I had that problem and I fixed it with...
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    Help, I need to figure my flower nutes

    Thank you all for the replies. I used all the nutrients I listed above in my last grow as part of my flowering nutrients. 4 weeks into flowering I had my clones growing dark shiny green leaves with a lot of thc on the leaves. But since i was renting at the time my landlord started getting...
  8. W

    Help, I need to figure my flower nutes

    So I am now ready to flower, but im worried that I am not going to mix my nutrients right. I currently have Advance nutrients Micro Bloom and Grow. I also have Bud Ignitor, Piranha, tarantula and carboload. Am I suppose to mix all these nutes into one batch? Also, am I suppose to switch the...
  9. W

    Dealing with deficiencies! plz help

    Thank you Kermit you've been a lot of help. I've gotten my watering down now. In a perfect environment 72degrees/50 humidity room it takes about a day to a day in a half for the soil to dry up. Once I added the full strength nutes with calmag and ironmite my deficiencies have disappeared and...
  10. W

    Dealing with deficiencies! plz help

    Hey ! Thank you for the feedback. From what you just told you, you have me figured out >____< lol Yes I had the plant in a small bucket for 2 months before I transplanted into a bigger pot. After 2 months and 3 weeks I started using nutes but only micro, bloom and grow. I barely just started...
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    Dealing with deficiencies! plz help

    Also Ive added revive and calmag to my nutrients (micro bloom grow)
  12. W

    Dealing with deficiencies! plz help

    Set up Ocean Forest with perlite in 2 litter bottles Tap water not phd =/ But just started using ro water this week ppm 800 500 - 800 mils on a 3 month plant (havent yet dialed down my watering yet) ph 7.9 Since im on a budget but starting tomorrow I will start adjusting my ph lvl on my soil...
  13. W

    Piranha & Tarantula info

    So I've been looking everywhere to find this info out and I can't seem to find it. So here's my problem, I started flowering some clones 2 weeks ago today. I added piranha and tarantula in the mix. They are growing out nicely, but my question is. Since my flowers just started showing their...
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    Need help with Dry ice

    Where I live the temps tend to raise pretty high during the summer I plan on using an ac to cool my place down. What would be the ideal temp to have the room while using dry ice?
  15. W

    Need help with Dry ice

    So my flowering room size is 8x6x7 feet and I want to introduce dry ice to my flowering room. Can someone please tell me how much I'm going to need per day? I'm really scared to try it, but I know a lot of people on here have used it before and have gotten some really good results.
  16. W

    Black balls that turn into little black flies.

    I've been working with rockwool for about 3 weeks now and I just noticed these little black flys around my rockwool, I've sprayed Captain Jack's Dead Bug and was wondering if this application would help me get rid of this little bastards! I also cut up some small potato wedges sprayed them with...
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    Should i add another cfl?

    You can never have too many CFLs.
  18. W

    Need help with my girls

    No aeration, I have my nutes in milk jugs. So I should wait a little more when it comes to the next feed? Also, I just started cloning with rockwool. How dry would you say I have to wait till i feed them again? I usually soaked them every morning and spay the dome with thrive alive to raise the...
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    Need help with my girls

    I've read in a couple of forums that purple stems are not a bad thing. Is there something I'm not knowing? What could I be dealing with?
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    Need help with my girls

    I had a dripper system on them but now I have no system running my plants after i found out about my nute burns I decided to take care of them myself by giving them about 2 litters of water on 2 plants that are in 1 gal black soil pots with rockwool. I have 2 others in 1/2 gal black soil pots...