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  1. newgrowersam

    fertilizer or fertilizers?

    please help
  2. newgrowersam

    I Need Some Help

    haha thanks
  3. newgrowersam

    I Need Some Help

    my backyard is well protected
  4. newgrowersam

    I Need Some Help

    okay thanks for the feedback
  5. newgrowersam

    fertilizer or fertilizers?

    i was wondering if i should change the fertilizer throughout the growth of my plant? if so what are some recommendations
  6. newgrowersam

    I Need Some Help

    since this is my first time im a little scared .... so i just want to ask so real grows some tips and things to look out for thanks im going to grow in a pot in my back yard
  7. newgrowersam


    so after i put them in the fridge should i go straight to germination?
  8. newgrowersam


    i was wondering if i got some seeds from a friends of mine, if they would be good to grow? his seeds are just ones he has collected(there about a couple weeks old) thanks