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  1. Ravnik68 she done yet?

    Ended up having about 36g in total after chopping her. Did in 2 seperate times. So far my friends have been pleasantly suprised that "I" grew it... Thanks for helping out a newb :)
  2. Ravnik68

    Not Sure the Issue...need a leaf pro

    No idea on strain its a random bagseed(got a mountain to practice with) But she started flower 1/20. But the last couple weeks these strange dots have been appearing on leaves. Tried adding Calmag in with the 3part AN nutes. But the dots seemed to of increased onto more leaves. I dont see any...
  3. Ravnik68 she done yet?

    Thanks yall. I wasnt sure. So figured safest to get w outside opinion
  4. Ravnik68 she done yet?

    Was just wondering. Shes been in flower since 1/20. Should i chop or wait. Pics of the Plant, and best i could get of crystals with phone camera. Any input? First ive ever had this near completion, that hasnt been male
  5. Ravnik68

    Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

    Dont forget how seeing a doctor almost requires a loan to afford, many will die just cause they are unable to see one, or wont miss work due to fear of losing money and becoming homeless, so expect the minimum wage/poor to spread it even more. Did they person who just made your drive thru order...
  6. Ravnik68

    1,5,7 leaf growth?

    Everything ive read thus far, says the leaves grow 1finger, then 3 finger, then a 5 and on up. This one went from 1 to 5 then to 7...skipping the 3 finger. Ive heard of the 9+ fingers and all, but never anything saying they go from 1 to 5fingers. 5 fingers is usually the sign its in veg? Do...
  7. Ravnik68

    1,5,7 leaf growth?

    Ive tried googling it. But cant seem to find a answer why mine sprouted then skipped a few steps in leaves. Now the only thing i have grown to any finish has been a few catnip plants. But they were outside and basically set and forget. I tried to test my luck, and threw some bagseed in water...