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  1. Shadytrees88

    Michigan made soil

    any one ever used or heard of this stuff . Claims to only need to add water start to finish , super soil any details or info seems pricey but if it saves on nutes and makes quality then it worth it
  2. Shadytrees88

    What's everyone's feeding sechudle like

    I'd like to better understand the ppm thing I've been told to just get a ec as it is more sound and better then reading ppms
  3. Shadytrees88

    What's everyone's feeding sechudle like

    Now let me ask you this is something I've grown concerned or curious bout , I use a Ppm pen pretty sure it's a tds3 pen , ok so I measure my water 117 or 103 that's bout were my tap water runs , I add my nutes if I wanna feed 800 I add 900 and some change to equal the range I wanna feed , every...
  4. Shadytrees88

    What's everyone's feeding sechudle like

    Yeah all mine are on different schedules as far as when I feed and water so agree with that forsure , I was just mainly wanting to hear other people's thoughts and how they do it kinda runn a lil poll and see what's what ..
  5. Shadytrees88

    What's everyone's feeding sechudle like

    I use fox farm ocean and happy frog plus a good add of big n chunky perlite so I gotta good airy draining soil , and get 30 percent run off each water and feed ... Feeding 3/4 each time is the added use of nutes worth it for the amount of growth you get rather then w f w f or w f f w .. I've...
  6. Shadytrees88

    What's everyone's feeding sechudle like

    Not knocking what ur sayin everyone has there thing just wanna better understand what ur getting at is all ..
  7. Shadytrees88

    What's everyone's feeding sechudle like

    Hmmm . I try and stick with w f w f .. .. Why would it create a problem if u just stay with a basic w f w f... If everytbing is looking good then u still flip flop things or stick with a 1:1 feed and water .. I'm Not quite following you. Cusse if everytbing is good should u still go 2:1 or 1:2...
  8. Shadytrees88

    What's everyone's feeding sechudle like

    just curious as to what people do with there feedings , who does W F F W F F W WHO DOES W F W F W F W W F W W F W W F OR HELL WHO FOES ANY DIFFRENT THEN THOSE IM DOIN A W F W F but haven't really heard or read and posts of what other people do If anyone does feed twice then water...
  9. Shadytrees88

    Auto seed germination

    Yea using some pretty hot soil mix so probly be good on feeding for a couple weeks .
  10. Shadytrees88

    Auto seed germination

    Yea agree there . Was plannin on cutting a solo cup bottom out and placing it in the middle of my pot for early watering, kinda hard to water a whole container with just that little seed , was gonna water the hole container two days before then just water the center inside the solo
  11. Shadytrees88

    Auto seed germination

    I soak my seeds in water then the paper towel trick . Some say that autos u shouldn't do that with is that true or false , plan on doin it my way u Less someone says otherwise , feel as if it wouldn't make a diffrece ...
  12. Shadytrees88

    auto pot size help please

    I'm bout to start a auto grow and I got 9x9 11in deep square containers there bout 2.5 to 3 gallons I've spoke with several advanced auto growers and they say 3 gal max anytbing bigger is a waist and not much more ... But mayb a 5gal would be perfect imma give my 3 gal a shot and put two in a 5...
  13. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Yeah I no that but what I'm gettin at is I read something in a forum that someone said two 400 Wat lights is not considered 800w kinda odd 4x4 grow area which with all the lights I have is alil packed for that area so I opened it up to the 5x4 which gave me a dab more so I got 800w of hid and...
  14. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Luckily the further road is to the north which we get plenty of south southwest winds so should be good expecally being corn all around
  15. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    I live in the middle of a crop field 1 mile from any road an no neighbors . And corn all around the house ...
  16. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    See what it gets looked at differently here I'll have me some huge trees .just can't grow em as big as my cedar trees right now
  17. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Damn looks good .. Imma try and keep my short and wide , how big of container ???? What did it yeild
  18. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Yea been hearing people talk shit bout runnin 2 400s and blah blah sayin there not efficient I'm not worried bout costing me a extra few hundred a year , if I was worried bout that I wouldn't be doin this , sayin also that a 2x 400 ain't equal to 800w but lumens to squire foot on 16 or even 20...
  19. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    Oh and I didn't mention when I changed the light they were praying like you was talkin bout never got that with them close may have to raise the smalls up another 8 inchs get them around foot and half
  20. Shadytrees88

    TUTANKHAMON and super cheese

    So u think it worth a shot , running the two 400s mh and hps ,all way threw .. My only wonder is should I runnin them in a chain like or side by side chain meaning air tube pointing same direction , seems that way you would have half under mh and half hps but if u ran side by side the spectrums...