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  1. `SoA || Asi

    If it was one.. who would it be...

    beardo wtf ellen degeneres xD lies jessica beil #1 not sure u can show boobs here so i made it a thumb :mrgreen:
  2. `SoA || Asi

    Attitude Seedbank Not a good place to get beans! Buyers beware!

    i say have a very good look around i found a site for autos there prices are great nirvanas autos allmost destroyed there reputation most didint autoflower anyways man do more research man theres mean beans out there peace
  3. `SoA || Asi

    Attitude Seedbank Not a good place to get beans! Buyers beware!

    attitude prices are getting bigger the sell most autos over 10 pounds each and other sites charge 5 to 7 pounds +there free seeds mostly turn out bad
  4. `SoA || Asi

    Best trippy horror games?

    true benassi wicked game heaps of frights you can watch people playing the game on youtube its cool watching reactions
  5. `SoA || Asi

    Best trippy horror games?

    WwfG0FFhrmo this girl screams her ass off xD TUNGIL4vz-4
  6. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    cheers guys rock on where are your autos guys ? whats your next strain ?
  7. `SoA || Asi

    internet slowed down

    wooo crazy in from newzealand i get 15.46mb download and 2.34 upload speed
  8. `SoA || Asi

    K21701's Hempy Bucket Grow..Royal Queen Seeds Special Kush & Bubblelicious Auto

    nice plant bro +rep Peace dam cant give u rep i will soon :P
  9. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Cheers mate sure bro will do keep em coming Peace
  10. `SoA || Asi

    New grow New cheap DIY setup

    nice man +rep i have the same problem my plant loves to touch the light
  11. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    sup guys little update The Fruits Of Venus and small PowerSkunk sprout the fruits of venus is a greatwhiteshark cross smells nice
  12. `SoA || Asi

    Girl sueing police for $150,000 dollars

    :lol: what u guys think? personlly i think shes a bitch for suing for that much money the police are only doing there job The thing is she told them she had one there shes most likely american A woman who claims a police officer used boltcutters to remove five piercings, including one in her...
  13. `SoA || Asi

    First time CFL grow. How do they look???

    nice bro goodstuff mate +rep
  14. `SoA || Asi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    lol stonedpony changed his pic xD nice buds lucky guy +rep
  15. `SoA || Asi

    second grow flash seeds

    very nice bro nice plants+rep
  16. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    welcome nice bro good to have ya hear cant wait for pics peace
  17. `SoA || Asi

    AK 47 and Puple haze

    very nice but i aint good at kowing when plants done ask fdd or put n are my plants ready thread +rep peace
  18. `SoA || Asi

    Plants havent sprouted (YIKES)

    dude allways germ seeds in paper towel in warm dark place keep moist to keep moister put plastic bag over the plate/paper towel some people dont like autos sry some are ignorant here peace
  19. `SoA || Asi

    help w/ hermie identifing pics

    um im not sure im no pro dosint look like one wait for others peace