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  1. Poi-Poi

    what is the most euphoric mix you have ever had

    Most euphoric thing I've ever felt was the 2cb/lsd mix never been so happy to be puddled in my life and nothing that leaves you conscious can compare to those visuals.
  2. Poi-Poi


    No experience with it myself but I've read into the subject very slightly. Keep us posted on your adventures bro.
  3. Poi-Poi


    Micro dosing is actually incredibly benificial as psychs stimulate cognitive function and hand eye coordination. There are a large amount of studies on the subject, and I'd post a link but I'm on here on my phone and it's more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. So my apologies but you'll have...
  4. Poi-Poi

    The Universe Provides

    It's the law of attraction brother you get back what you put out. Glad it came through for you. Enjoy your adventures in the cosmos.
  5. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    Speaking of, when are you makin me some?!?!
  6. Poi-Poi

    HS ... What are YOU smoking ON???

    I'll have what he's having
  7. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    What @DaSprout said lol
  8. Poi-Poi

    HS ... What are YOU smoking ON???

    That looks delicious
  9. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    Lmao that's awesome. I've never had that on L. I always have the shifting color changing effect but never any true hallucinations (as in seeing things that truly aren't there) but I love it all the same. Although on high doses I lose the ability to hold a conversation lol. The worst was the time...
  10. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    Yea I know exactly what you and yea that "magic " definitely never came back after my mdma abuse I'll still do it from time to time but I don't think it'll ever be the same. I had a shitload of fun doing it though lol. But as far as the trip not being the same after only a week it's really hard...
  11. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    Well I know you'd be fine after a week. I tripped every week from last Fourth of July weekend until about mid November and had a fantastic time. Again these thing fall back on the individuals body chemistry. But I drifted away from mdma after I burnt all the serotonin out of my brain and went...
  12. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    That's the spirit! You would only have to wait three days for your tolerance to reset, but I put the tab in my mouth and just leave it there until it turns to mush but you only need to leave it in your mouth for about 30 secs for it to be absorbed into your system. It's all really personal...
  13. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    Idk personally I have a weird tolerance to shrooms so on those I couldn't tell you but with L (again just me) I find it works within the first 2 but you have to match your original dosage at least. But usually when I redose its to keep going not to amplify, so I could be wrong it's been a long...
  14. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    Yea that's a good point. I'd also like to point out the drug continues to amplify itself until you hit peak (between 5-6 hours depending on body chemistry) and is a 12 hour drug, for roughly 10 hours of that You will have hallucinations the other 2 are your first hour which is a waiting game and...
  15. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    The only time I've personally found that to be an issue is eating more after peak if you match the initial dose before that it amplifies it. But again that's just my own personal experience everybodies body chemistry is different and it will affect you in different ways but if you want to be...
  16. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    Lookin good bro. Keep up the good work.
  17. Poi-Poi

    LSD What would YOU recommend.

    Eat 5 and get spiritual with that shit lmao. I'm just playin don't do that. I'd say eat 2 and see how you feel about it in a couple of hours. You can always eat more or smoke some ganj to amplify the trip (pot won't do a whole lot but it does add to it slightly for about 30 min or so) but the...
  18. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    I can't even stand to look at a screen trippin so you're doin better than I would be lol
  19. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    Yea I could see buying everything you will need for a large scale grow being slightly expensive. But like you said you won't need anything but the minor supplies for awhile. it's because we love you lol
  20. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    With the quickness lol personally I've never seen the point in buying a kit, considering how easy and relatively cheap it is to grow booms. Hell the most expensive thing you need is the pressure cooker, and if you search around at like goodwill and other resale shops you can usually find one...