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  1. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    How about we compromise i'll test them first then you can test them and we'll see if our findings match up lmao
  2. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Agreed anymore on lot is the only time I truly feel at home.
  3. Poi-Poi

    The Illuminati

    Those of us not on par with your vast amount of knowledge. Little people was just easier to type out
  4. Poi-Poi

    Scotch Whisky / Bourbon Whiskey thread

    Got to try some of the Frank Sinatra Jack Daniels New Year's Eve and it is absolutely phenomenal I highly recommend it if you've got a spare $150 laying around for a bottle lol but personally I drink Jack or Jameson straight when I do decide to drink.
  5. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    It was actually given to me by a guy on lot. I gave him the best dose he's ever had in his life (his words) he showed up at my campsite about 45 min later and demanded I take it because he felt he had to give me something to make up for it lol
  6. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Palo Santo is fantastic, have some sitting in my room.
  7. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Man I missed some good shit while I was avoiding interacting with the public. I missed you guys lol
  8. Poi-Poi

    Silk Road? Deep Web? What is the word now?

    I know it can be done, I have several friends who used Silk Road quite a bit before it got shut down the last time. But that being said stick with your trusted associates, who else on here would spread the love and light the way you do brother? We would be lost without you lol
  9. Poi-Poi

    shrooms cure my stutter

    Prescription pills are nothing more than an industry designed to line someone pockets. Society stopped looking for cures years ago. Instead they now seek out treatments. There's no money in a cure, but a treatment... that will make you rich.
  10. Poi-Poi

    Little mushroom grow log.

    If you need a test dumby, I volunteer my services free of charge lol
  11. Poi-Poi

    shrooms cure my stutter

    Mushrooms can in fact help with a great many things ranging from your stutter to PTSD to helping the terminally ill cope with their eminent death. It's quite amazing really what nature has provided us with that we (and by we I mean society as a whole) have neglected simply because someone...
  12. Poi-Poi

    LSD in pill form

    I hate to be that guy, but seeing as it starts in crystal form theoretically they could put into whatever form they desire.
  13. Poi-Poi

    The Illuminati

    Heatless always here to lay some knowledge on the little people lol
  14. Poi-Poi

    Which Of These Opiates Are Best For Smoking On Foil?

    I didnt call all users junkies, I simply meant there is a fine line between functioning addict and junkie. I've no real room to talk on that subject as I myself have done heroin on a handful of occasions. I just wanted it to be known how all consuming the drug can be I've seen it happen too many...
  15. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Same thing the rest of us are, killing boredom lol
  16. Poi-Poi

    Which Of These Opiates Are Best For Smoking On Foil?

    It's a miserably helpless feeling to watch people you care about slowly kill themselves. Knowing that nothing you say or do can change their minds, because they are gone and only the addict remains.
  17. Poi-Poi

    HS ... What are YOU smoking ON???

    Heatless if I lived near you I don't think I would ever be sober lmao.
  18. Poi-Poi

    Which Of These Opiates Are Best For Smoking On Foil?

    Heroin is becoming an issue everywhere not just Detroit my little sister just got out of rehab for it. But the problem with functional addicts is it's only a matter of time before functionality becomes out of the question and you fall into the category of junkie. Spending all of your time...
  19. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Right and that's what I really didn't want to delve into was the necessity to synthesize the precursors to make it. It's what leaves it to real chemists to make the crystal to be passed on to the heads who lay the sheets and spread the love. It's a line of work, admittedly, given the opportunity...
  20. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Idk if it's because I'm part Native American or if it's just my body composition but psilocybin sends me straight to space. It doesn't last long but even on just an 8th of shrooms the whole world will melt down around me for about two hours and then it's gone. It's a very strange experience...