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  1. K

    "Go home Nazis"

    While I agree with your sentiment, you're never going to convince anyone you're smart if you don't know the fucking difference between "your," and "you're." Learn to punctuate, too. You write like a three-year-old. Why are Americans so fucking stupid?
  2. K

    Name a country that's better than America

    Awww, is someone having a butthurt?
  3. K

    Name a country that's better than America

    You're both centrists and thus, you have surrendered to the Nazis.
  4. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Let's see if anyone makes another guess...
  5. K


    I'm good with any method. I just liked the image.
  6. K

    Michigan born Kid Rock booed at Pistons home game.

    Why don't you come to my house and kill me? I'll even let you take the first shot, you fucking honky.
  7. K


  8. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    I'd like five minutes alone with Jamie Dimon. Yes, you'd need a body bag at the end. Or a guillotine. I'd pay to watch Dimon's head roll into a storm drain.
  9. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    I certainly agree with this psot... (bonus points if you know the origins of psot...)
  10. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Shut the fuck up, centrist. Centrism is surrender and all centrists should be killed.
  11. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    It will take a modern-day French Revolution (complete with guillotines and public beheadings) to get the rich moving. Kill enough of them (better yet, their spouses, kids, grandkids, etc) and they'll get the idea, money can't save you from death. It saddens me I won't live to see it. That and...
  12. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Mrs. Clinton lost. Twice. Why all the POWs (centrism is surrender) who volunteered for the role did so can only be answered this way: They're white. Honkies are cowards.
  13. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Centrism is surrender. #BringOnTheWar
  14. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    That was no eyeroll, it was a serious and legitimate question. But the true answer lies in the extermination of the right wing, everywhere it exists.
  15. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Fuck Durban and all centrists. Centrism is surrender.
  16. K

    Free Grow Software!

    Um, no. There are apps made for iOS and Mac OS. Were I younger, I might try that out but at 63, not interested in obscure, geek-oriented OSs. I'll find something, even if I have to create it in a spreadsheet.
  17. K

    Progressives protest Diane Feinstein; 'support single payer or retire'

    Please, sir, remain where you are. Your waaaambulance has been summoned.
  18. K

    Progressives protest Diane Feinstein; 'support single payer or retire'

    Why don't you shove your centrist head right up your ass. Centrism is surrender. Did you know, suicide is painless?