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  1. `SoA || Asi

    3 Strain autoflower CFL_--_-WhiteWidow_-TheMuse_-StonedRyder

    wooo i took these before looks crazy a
  2. `SoA || Asi

    How to find out who gave u reputation points ?

    yeah cheers guys :peace:
  3. `SoA || Asi

    Easy Ryder / La Dvia 400w Autoflower Soil Grow

    hey bro maybe ask around if u can force flower whats your light setting ?
  4. `SoA || Asi

    How to find out who gave u reputation points ?

    i feel really offended some guy said that shit below dont have a clue who it was or for begging for rep point what a lying ahole (i will rep u helps me) can anyone help? Latest Reputation Received (541 point(s) total) 12-11-2010 03:09 PM Thread: Autoflower Thread &... Faggot rep whore...
  5. `SoA || Asi

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    your the man fdd +rep
  6. `SoA || Asi

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    haha nice vids WM apmir1AURIE
  7. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    good choices bro they wont let u down
  8. `SoA || Asi

    Easy Ryder / La Dvia 400w Autoflower Soil Grow

    lookin nice mate +rep strange ladiva no bud sites yet ladiva is great one of my favorite tasting/potent strain
  9. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    yeah thanks man i love the new strain out Labella and lafruitaDevenus trust me my favorite autos have been from Delicious seeds LaDiva was so tasty and strong i recommend it great yeild and germ rate 100% im getting lafruitadevenus soon greatwhiteshark cross whata u going for mate?
  10. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey guys heres my LaMusa aka TheMuse she smell and looks great pulling soon i will give smoke report asap btw my whitewidow didint auto bloody lowlife seeds dont trust them
  11. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflowering light question

    yeah bro i only use 120 watt for my autos 20/4 lights is best heres what iv growin
  12. `SoA || Asi

    hey bro its allways sunny...

    hey bro its allways sunny
  13. `SoA || Asi

    3 Strain autoflower CFL_--_-WhiteWidow_-TheMuse_-StonedRyder

    dunno bro bloody lowlife ww seeds im not trusting them agian cost me 20 bucks for that seed yeah shes really frosty pics dont show how frosty she really is cheers peace
  14. `SoA || Asi

    3 Strain autoflower CFL_--_-WhiteWidow_-TheMuse_-StonedRyder

    hey guys lamusa near ready WhiteWidow isint autoing yet ? that is annoying
  15. `SoA || Asi

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    hi fdd what u think bro she look ready to u its a new autoflower strain called lamusa
  16. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    looking great mate +rep
  17. `SoA || Asi

    Fun videos to watch when stoned...

    xD nice vid +rep dogs that attack or eat cats should be put down