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  1. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    well I finally got one done and off the strings and in the jars and damn it feels good!! It was an average sized plant compared the rest but pretty small compared to the one big one, which is about 3 times the size of the next size down. It weighed in at 6.2 oz! What you see hanging in the pic...
  2. volcomrider157

    1st time white widow grower

    you could do that 11/13 or even 10/14 if you really wanted too but I'm not sure if it makes them finish faster....
  3. volcomrider157

    1st time white widow grower

    I need me some of that Carolina donkey dick bro! LOL! thats funny right there!:eyesmoke:
  4. volcomrider157

    JohnBoh's Papaya Grow (open journal)

    lookin good man!! I'm still watchin!
  5. volcomrider157


    you and me both brotha, purple everywhere around here! which is fine with me, beyond that tho i wish it would warm back up!
  6. volcomrider157

    driftwoods '09 swamp grow

    sweet man I'm excited for you! I've been trimming alot lately too! I was up til 4am trimmin last night and i still got a few more to go.
  7. volcomrider157

    Percentage of moisture in buds for storage

    lol yea mold develops very quickly I've never had a problem I was just wondering if anyone had a number out there.... like for example should be at least 12% moisture for long term storage... I was just stoned and wondered if anyone actually got that serious about it. I just do the stem snap...
  8. volcomrider157


    we got hit with a good one last night and its suppose to hit 25 tonight!! so I'm trying to get this shit done but trimming takes forever and I still got 3 left. hopefully after tonight I wont have so much left. I will say this though I have chopped my plants down while it was raining after I...
  9. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    yea we just got hit with good frost last night and I still got 3 Armageddons out there! Its suppose to be down to 25 tonight and it was snowing this morning a little bit...I think its game over for the skunks but hopefully the Armageddons will be fine? Frost doesnt affect potency that I know...
  10. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    well I hate to show you this because I have a feeling the next picture you see of this stuff it will all be dead due to winter like weather headed my way for next week. I cant cover these either because of my location and the size of these plants any kind of cover would blow my cover and its...
  11. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    let the games begin, one of 4 is hanging right now and I just took about 1/3 of the big one today. also Im leaving the branches that are mostly made up of popcorn on the plants as I go through here. then will pick all the little stuff up at the end. maybe by the time I get all the big stuff...
  12. volcomrider157

    Percentage of moisture in buds for storage

    I'm really not too worried about it because I go by the stem snap test to tell when they are dry but my dad was telling me about these hand held things where you can put something inside of it, a bud for instance in this case and it will tell you the percentage of moisture it holds... has anyone...
  13. volcomrider157

    Percentage of moisture in buds for storage

    Has anyone ever tested for moisture in there buds and what would be the Ideal percentage of moisture to store buds for long term and not have to worry about any mold. Thanksbongsmilie
  14. volcomrider157

    1st time white widow grower

    :blsmoke:sweet bro, I'll be watching
  15. volcomrider157

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    bongsmilievery nice buds, I'll be showing more very soon as I will be chopping the first of my Armageddons tonight...but damn Tahoe I always love lookin at your av pictures. lol:mrgreen:
  16. volcomrider157

    1st time white widow grower

    I was just wondering why its taking so long.....I read your whole thread, I must've missed it tho, how much light are you putting out?
  17. volcomrider157

    1st time white widow grower

    what do your trichs look like right now?
  18. volcomrider157


    Everything else will be done by the end of this week hopefully, but I got hard frost coming in by next week I hear so I'm considering covering those sativas, no way I could get them inside anyway...I would have troubles getting them through a single bay garage door let alone in my house lol...