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  1. L

    Topping early

    So I know I should have waited for it to atleast have 3-5 nodes before I topped it but I topped it on its first set of leaves . I think it's doing alright just started to recover. What do you guys think?
  2. L

    Harvesting seeds

    Yeah it definitely isn't ready yet but getting there, thanks
  3. L

    Harvesting seeds

    So I pollinated this plant 9 days ago and what I want to know is , how do I know the seeds are ready to harvest. Do they just fall out? How do you make the seeds more likely to germinate once harvested?
  4. L

    Auto flower

  5. L

    Auto flower

    Can you clone a auto flower?
  6. L

    Cfl red and blue

    Ok sweet , I thought I was on the right path I got 3 26watt 6500 k and 1 40 watt 2700k
  7. L

    Cfl red and blue

    So I know the whole blue for veg red for flowering . When using CFLs should you be using both spectrums like a 80/20 percent of blue to red for veg? What are your opinions on this
  8. L

    Males vs females

    Do females have more branches etc...
  9. L

    Males vs females

    So I just want to know some of the character differences between male and female plants I understand the sex difference . Are males more leafy ... stuff like that
  10. L

    Does this look right.

    That's pretty much what I did , I went and snipped off a whole bunch of flowers shook them in this black plastic container then took a small paint brush and lathered on all the pollen
  11. L

    Does this look right.

    Ok awesome, damn your helpful. Gotta love this website
  12. L

    Does this look right.

    Thanks for the input, but if I pollinated it to late will it be just bud?
  13. L

    Does this look right.

    If it's a bit late does that mean I'll just end up with bud?
  14. L

    Does this look right.

    So I pollinated this plant 4 days ago and was just wondering if it looks like everything is going well.hoping to get some usable seeds all input is helpful
  15. L

    Pollinated plant

    Hey guys so I pollinated this plant 4 days ago , just wondering if it looks right and if I'm on my way to getting some useful seeds.
  16. L

    Screwed up auto flower

    I just figured the thing will give me a couple of grams maybe but If I pollinated it I could get more seeds to grow which seems more logical
  17. L

    Screwed up auto flower

    I screwed it up because I had majority of my lights on another plant and totally neglected this one so I didn't veg it as much as I could have before it started flowering
  18. L

    Screwed up auto flower

    It ain't pretty
  19. L

    Screwed up auto flower

    So I screwed up my first auto flower and shes only 5 inches big , so I was wondering if it would be smarter to pollinate it and get seeds or should I just let it grow bud and smoke it ? All opinions are helpful