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  1. B

    Pots aren't drying as fast as they normally do after staking.

    Shooooot... I put most of them on them around the edge. Will definitely not water until dry though. Hoping they will make a comeback!
  2. B

    Pots aren't drying as fast as they normally do after staking.

    So.. Just started week 5 in flower. Pots have typically dried out in 2-3 days max with about 3/4 of a gallon for a 3 gallon pot. I watered last Tuesday. Had to stake up a ton of branches the following day, Wednesday. I watered again on Thursday although the pots weren't completely dry but dry...
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    First time grow and LST

    What up guys! What a great experience! First grow was dope. I still have to cut and dry three of my plants but the skywalker og turned out awesome. I hung the whole plant and let it dry for 7 days until branches were pretty much snapping. All jarred up and weight 4+ounces. I'm sure it will drop...
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    Hermie on my first grow... Need help ASAP

    Problem solved. Now I just have to be careful when I handle the pure female to make sure I don't drag in pollen. I went through and picked out all of the bananas yesterday, there were maybe 10. I haven't send any new ones pop up today so that's good news!
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    Hermie on my first grow... Need help ASAP

    This sounds like a good idea!
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    Hermie on my first grow... Need help ASAP

    Cali.. Longer days right now for sure. The plants has been suffering with some kind of disease after a thrip attack. I kept thinking it was cal mag because the leaves were rusty and dying off but I've been using cal mag every water and it hasn't changed a thing. The three other plants are in...
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    Hermie on my first grow... Need help ASAP

    The question is do I move it away from other plants and put it outside? Looking for some experienced opinions please. Not saying your opinion isn't experienced 240.. Thanks for your feedback. Just looking for a couple other suggestions.
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    Hermie on my first grow... Need help ASAP

    I have four plants about 5 weeks in to flower. I was just checking my best plant and I saw a few bananas on a couple of the colas... Do I remove the plant from the tent to save the rest of my girls? I don't have another ballast for the plant and have no idea what to do right now. She looks so...
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    First time grow and LST

    Wanted to give you guys a follow up on my first grow! I'm 5 weeks from 12/12 and about 4 weeks into flowering. Using Flora Nova Bloom every other water and calmag every water. I just added some blackstrap molasses today! The first picture is GSC. It's really short but has the fattest colas so...
  10. B

    First grow - week one flower

    What's up everyone! Just posting to show my first grow ever. 1000w my/hps.I'm one week into 12/12 and have some awesome bud sites already and node spacing is very tight! Using GH Flora Nova Bloom every other water. Didn't use any grow nutes. Vegged for almost two months and did LST and...
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    First time grow and LST

    I have so much extra space in the tent.. should i keep vegging and super supercropping so it takes up more room?
  12. B

    First time grow and LST

    Two days after super crop and the girls look amazing. Note that I changed to my hortilux hps. I'm trying to adjust them to the HPS so when I flower I can get the light nice and close without burning them. Not sure if this is recommended but I did alternate between mh and hps a month into veg...
  13. B

    First time grow and LST

    Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm gonna stray away from scrog.. I will try to implement a cage though so that it can support the branches. Not sure how I can use a cage since the plant are so low and and hanging over the might be better to hang strings from the top of the tent to...
  14. B

    First time grow and LST

    I'm going to defoliate but not until a week or two into flower. Im gonna let my plants heal up for about another week and then flip to 12/12. They are looking nice after supercropping. Much more room for all the tops and also new tops are starting to find their way up to the canopy.
  15. B

    First time grow and LST

    I was a little nervous but didn't have much to lose so I went for it. I did snap a branch or two but taping them seemed to keep em alive!! Crazy what these plants can go through. Thanks for you advice. It's nice to get positive feedback as a novice versus criticism! Haha
  16. B

    First time grow and LST

    I know this may sound dumb hut is there a difference between pruning and defoliation? Do you remove lower side branches in defoliation of just the small excess leaves around the base?
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    First time grow and LST

    Depends when these girls look 100% again but most likely in a week or two. The mh bulb is making really tight nodes but not much stretch so I'm trying to drag the veg on as long as possible
  18. B

    First time grow and LST

    The branches already bounced back and plants are recovering really well. They also look much more spread out. I do have a question though. Should I prune now to open up the canopy? Or should I wait until plants are healed to prune?
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    First time grow and LST

    Well my plants pretty much hate me right now lol but we'll see what happens
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    First time grow and LST

    Thanks for the compliment! I give most of my credit to fox farm soil and large pots.. Sure the training and topping is important but I haven't had any deficiencies or health problems. I see a lot of issues with beginners are nutrient issues or undersized pots so I planned accordingly...