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  1. Talkenlate04

    Total noob grower advice please...

    Starting in final pots is not hard nor detrimental imo. I started some in small pots, and some in their final pots, and if anything the ones in final pots edged out the ones I transplanted up to the final pots. It is a bit tricky with the watering to start out, but after the first few weeks out...
  2. Talkenlate04

    Help with first grow

    Oh but they do, Happens to my neighbor all the time.
  3. Talkenlate04

    Trying to determine sex

    Thats still not showing signs of sex. That is just new leaves growing. Blurry leaves in this case lol.
  4. Talkenlate04

    Week 2 ends.....let week 3 begin!

    Heres a couple of a male I cut down that I had on my phone,
  5. Talkenlate04

    Week 2 ends.....let week 3 begin!

    Ill get more pics when I can. Out of town for a few days.
  6. Talkenlate04

    Week 2 ends.....let week 3 begin!

    I mainlined/manifolded the plant, then after some veg time I tied down each main stem and let everything in the middle get exposed to good light. The grew quickly and caught up with the main stems I tied down and now I have a nice flat canopy on the plants. Most of them are 12-15" tall and...
  7. Talkenlate04

    How old do you think these are? how long until harvest and having to harvest early.

    Meh, it will give ya something maybe, but nothing satisfying. Kinda like smoking field grass with a hint of cannabis lol.
  8. Talkenlate04

    Week 2 ends.....let week 3 begin!

    So far its been a good first grow for me. I have learned a lot mostly from lurking online and trying some things out for myself. But its exciting to see things changing, daily almost it seems! The plant in this pic has 50-60 tops pretty even with each other and all starting to get going!
  9. Talkenlate04

    How old do you think these are? how long until harvest and having to harvest early.

    Based on what I see in those pics, no. But I dont have much in the way of experience so maybe someone else will have a different answer. Those just look very immature to me, and even with you tacking on 2 more weeks before the company comes, I just dont see how they are finished and ready.
  10. Talkenlate04

    How old do you think these are? how long until harvest and having to harvest early.

    Cant move them to the woods somewhere or something? Hide in a closet? Hide in a car? Hide, anywhere? lol.
  11. Talkenlate04

    How old do you think these are? how long until harvest and having to harvest early.

    How long in bloom? Id guess 2-3 weeks tops, and they have a long ways to go. No not peak bloom. If you harvest in 13 days you will have a pile of worthless crap.
  12. Talkenlate04

    Need help LST question

    Its been pretty darn hot here where I am too. At 6300 ft 101 is quite terrible.
  13. Talkenlate04

    Need help

    You also appear to be growing sticks. What light are you using and how far away?
  14. Talkenlate04


    Flushing and all that wont do a damn thing if its soil thats just dead and compacted down smothering the roots. And yes SPL I agree. Bottled water cost can get him a ph test kit. Im lucky enough to have great tap water so I dont even bother with all that.
  15. Talkenlate04


    Well hes doing things on the cheap, so I doubt hes going to pay to ph his water and what not, I assume thats why hes using bottled.
  16. Talkenlate04


    Also I dont see a lot of perlite or anything in the soil. If you start with crap soil, you will get crap results.
  17. Talkenlate04


    Looks like your soil is to hot for the seedling and could be burning the plant. Or, you are over watering and the roots are rotting. Are you allowing the top of the soil to dry out decently between waterings?
  18. Talkenlate04

    Is this a male?

  19. Talkenlate04

    Need help LST question

    Almost looks like nitrogen deficiency. What are you feeding?
  20. Talkenlate04

    Is this a male?

    I had 12 plants and ended up with 5 males. But its all good. Clones cooking and next round should have less balls.