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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    just looked at the SeeMoreBuds Buds for Less book, im wayyyyyyy behind, HELPPPPPP!
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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    Day 23: lookin super behind, did a lil experiment to see if i was over or under watering and watered all of them except the one in the right corner.... obviously they were under waterd like a motherfucker lol cuz my girl in the back looks like shit. theres dead leaves everywher, should i clip...
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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    @h2o u think there UNDERwatered??
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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    @DMoser there a lil bit on the weak side, no fan, everystore i go to says there out of season, u think thats the reason?? or overwatering?
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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    @D Moser, yea strate mg growin, and 9 days since germ Day 15 and we got sum issues sum of my leaves are lookin lazy as hell, is this cuz of over watering?? temp problems?? what is it?! lol im freakin out, check it out check this bitch out smdreads
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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    @zShwayze thanks for tha love bro! Day 9 leaves are looking pretty green, but there kinda droopy, one is tilting and one has sum yellow spots, everyone else is a1, is this because a lack of water? too much water?? cuz i dont have a fan yet? or wat???
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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    Day 8, added a house lamp for more heat, and watered them, mad i was 3 hours behind for lighting(watching the game) but heres a picture
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    CFL's not creating enough heat

    @greennight i got silver gift wrap from the dollar store lol wat kind of refelctors do you have, also i have daylight cfl's so maybe its different
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    ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

    allright today marks the 7 day 1 week period, just got 4 cfl's today, i replaced one with a house bulb to generate more heat, still need a fan and a thermostat, but hopefully this is good enough for now, any suggestions?
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    CFL's not creating enough heat

    @wanabe lmao, that would make sense smh lol preciate it bro
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    CFL's not creating enough heat

    @cowasaki i havnt got a thermostat joint yet, but im up north so its cold, but my house is at about 70f rite now, and @anonymuss, wats too close? cuz i mite move them super close if i can lol
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    CFL's not creating enough heat

    I just recently switched from a regular house bulb to 4 CFL's, and the house bulb use to keep the plants warm, but now that i switched, im scared there too cold, wat can i do to fix this problem
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    Lighting Crisis

    got 4 cfl's puts out 100 watts a piece but only uses 25 wachu guys think
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    Stem Fell Over

    basically, last night i was high as a bitch, came home and over watered one of my seedlings, now its leaning on the side of the cup, weird thing is it still looks healthy, what can i do to stand it back up? or will it grow back strate?
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    Lighting Crisis

    @dark i just started a week ago so the plants r tiny, but i see wat ur saying, how many bulbs do u think i need like four?? and u can hook up cfl's to a regular electrical output right?
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    Lighting Crisis

    cfl looks like a good move, still researching how many i need for 6 plants
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    Lighting Crisis

    allright i cant even front, im broke as a bitch and trying to find a solution for my grow lights. at first i was just going to get 2 fluorescent lights and hook that up, but i did sum research and found out about hps lights. so i went to the store and deboed a 150 watt hps bulb lol not knowing i...
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    Miracle Grow Mistake

    lmfao @D Moser but theyve been planted for almost a week, im gunna take sum pics and post. and @ssj4 thanks bro ive been terrified for the passed couple hours because of what other people have been saying, ill keep u updated
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    Miracle Grow Mistake

    i am a beginer, and i planted my seeds in Miracle Grow. Everything looks to be fine but ive heard that Miracle Grow is bad for seedlings, what do i have to do to change the soil of my plants before its too late???