ROOKIE: Quez Lo's CFL Grow

allright today marks the 7 day 1 week period, just got 4 cfl's today, i replaced one with a house bulb to generate more heat, still need a fan and a thermostat, but hopefully this is good enough for now, any suggestions?

Day 8, added a house lamp for more heat, and watered them, mad i was 3 hours behind for lighting(watching the game) but heres a picture

@zShwayze thanks for tha love bro!
Day 9 leaves are looking pretty green, but there kinda droopy, one is tilting and one has sum yellow spots, everyone else is a1, is this because a lack of water? too much water?? cuz i dont have a fan yet? or wat???


Dick Moser

Active Member
party cup magic!!! are these th ladies in mg??? they look dam fine by my eyes. and 9 days since germ or since green peirced the dirt???
@D Moser, yea strate mg growin, and 9 days since germ

Day 15 and we got sum issues
sum of my leaves are lookin lazy as hell, is this cuz of over watering?? temp problems?? what is it?! lol im freakin out, check it out

check this bitch out


Dick Moser

Active Member
are the stalks steady to the touch or are they weak??? looks like overwatering but are they getting a steady air exchange???
@DMoser there a lil bit on the weak side, no fan, everystore i go to says there out of season, u think thats the reason?? or overwatering?


im no expert, but if you put the lights closer to them, they wont stretch out so much, also a light breeze on them, will stiffen the stalks as well, i have my babies 1 " from 2 100watt CFL's and they have super strong stalks. i put the fan below my plants at the base of the box, and the plants are 2 feet above it, 6" lasko fan, the breeze flows to the top just barely moving each of the plants. if you keep going that way u will eventually need to stake them up, and nutrient delivery will be slower and i they look to me to be a little under watered, i water mine about once every week with just enough to come out the bottom, cannabis loves soil that drains well.

Dick Moser

Active Member
over watered and sitting in stagnant air. get some air movement and wait until your cups are dry, feel the weight and then water and feel the weight....and wait until the weight is right to rain or water :)


i mean, i over watered mine once in the begining , and it never drooped like that, and his lights are super high above the plants , with cfls, generally i keep my lights 1" away and lower as they grow, second, by now, the cups should be totally dried out, and watering should already be needed. my 3 gallon pots drain out and dry in 5 days, unless hes constantly overwatering, they would prolly be dead now. soil looked dry in nthe pictures but the leaves were wet, which isnt advisable since wet leaves will make them heavier and more strain on those tiny stems

Dick Moser

Active Member are the expert on overwatering...having done it once...thank you for the advise. ill prolly do that.
Day 23: lookin super behind, did a lil experiment to see if i was over or under watering and watered all of them except the one in the right corner.... obviously they were under waterd like a motherfucker lol cuz my girl in the back looks like shit. theres dead leaves everywher, should i clip the dead ones or leave them on??? and also even though im using mg, can i get sum sort of extra nutrient to put in my plant??? cuz were far behind and we need a lil boost



Day 23: lookin super behind, did a lil experiment to see if i was over or under watering and watered all of them except the one in the right corner.... obviously they were under waterd like a motherfucker lol cuz my girl in the back looks like shit. theres dead leaves everywher, should i clip the dead ones or leave them on??? and also even though im using mg, can i get sum sort of extra nutrient to put in my plant??? cuz were far behind and we need a lil boost

What's the temperature in there?
Do you have a fan blowing on these plants?
Aside from that thing on the far right corner, they look pretty good. lol