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  1. I

    Need help please!!!!

    Excellent thank you I don't need a big plant. This is my test grow. Usaly I veg for 6 weeks then flower. But I veg 4 weeks this time. LST my plant tonight and moved it in to flowering. Looking for a 2oz yield. As you can see from my pic I have 8 tops so fare. Looking to flower for 7 weeks or...
  2. I

    Seaweed- question

    Because the seaweed is treated before you its sold. If you just crush up moss you don't know what you are butting in your plant. Guess all you could do it test the water and treat it like a fish tank tell it's ready to go. But bacteria is a big deal for bud plants.
  3. I

    Need help please!!!!

    Moved into flowering
  4. I

    Need help please!!!!

    Ok thank you so it's not a big deal I mixed it in to flowering?
  5. I

    First LST

    Need help did I do it right and should I have not moved it straight in to flowering
  6. I

    Hi every one need alittle help with my first LST

    Hi every one need alittle help with my first LST
  7. I

    Need help please!!!!

    This is my first LST
  8. I

    Seaweed- question

    No it could put bacteria in your plant
  9. I

    Need help please!!!!

    Did I LST right and should I have moved it straight in to flowering?
  10. I

    Need help LST question

    So I just LST my plant after 4 weeks and moved straight in to flowering. My questions are: did I LST the right way?should I have moved it straight in to flowering? Do I need to take off more fan leaves?
  11. I

    Need alittle help.

    So I LST my plant tonight. And then put it straight in to flowering. My question is, should I have put it straight in to flowering? Also did I LST the right way.