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  1. Integra21

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    I dont know if you actually watched that mythbusters, but theyt clearly proved it worked better than expected and the music the plants responded to the best was death metal. They suspected it had something to do with that type of musics heavy and constant bass. They also used voice recordings to...
  2. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Yeah, your shit looks sick Boomer. Im still waiting to see your weight. I ended up with 2lbs and a couple of grams of all bud. All popcorn was used for hash. I ended up with approx 3oz of hash as well. So I'm happy as hell with the harvest. And my co2 was only running for 3 weeks of that 10 week...
  3. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks bro. I put a lot of work into it so I like it alot when other people can benefit in some way. The Piss is a local growers strain that was the old Cat Piss crossed with Northern Lights to the best of my knowledge. And yes, Cat piss is an actual strain that can be looked up...
  4. Integra21

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    Carefull with the IR cameras. I dont know for sure, but plants can see and are effected by IR light. I was going to originally put a couple up in my growroom so I could check on them from away from home, but I was detered from fear of them messing with my girls lighting cycle. I would do more...
  5. Integra21

    Club 600

    Thats funny, I have the exact same dehydrator. Ebay?
  6. Integra21

    Club 600

    Dehydrators work well on low heat and can dry herb in 24hrs on that setting(105F) but it does kill some of the potency and makes for harsher smoke since the chlorophyll has almost no time to break down. I only use it if I just harvested and am out of herb or drying samples to see how the weed is...
  7. Integra21

    The Scrog Club

    This threads been a littlle dead lately so I figured I throw my update from tonight up. Another new update. Girls are doing well, I'd say even better than last time, but its pretty close. The piss have stretched like nuts over the last week. The Blue Kush finally finished greening up and growth...
  8. Integra21

    Club 600

    This is my update, I figured I put the whole thing in since We were having a small pic run. Piss & Blue Kush 10th day of 12/12 PH 5.9 PPM 750-775 Res Temp 71F Rm Temp 79F RH 48% CO2 PPM 660 Piss Close-ups Blue Kush Close-ups
  9. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Another new update. Girls are doing well, I'd say even better than last time, but its pretty close. The piss have stretched like nuts over the last week. The Blue Kush finally finished greening up and growth has also exploded noticeably. They have been eating about 150ppm work of nutrients each...
  10. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Another new update. Girls are doing well, I'd say even better than last time, but its pretty close. The piss have stretched like nuts over the last week. The Blue Kush finally finished greening up and growth has also exploded noticeably. They have been eating about 150ppm work of nutrients each...
  11. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    That would probly be pretty close. Im shooting for 3lbs this run, it might be a bit of a stretch trying to get an additional pound, but I know I could have gotten more last run. Not sure with the piss on the left side though. I have only seen what she can do outside. But thanks for that crazy...
  12. Integra21

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    I was talking about real dobermans like mine...
  13. Integra21

    the chitown sourkush thread

    I hear that, I dont like the taste either. I did hybrids so its a pretty intense mix of head and body, but the lkey is in the strength. I have always made canabutter with my trim until the last grow. Went all bubble hash. And i was sick of choking down 3 cookies to get a good buzz, so I went for...
  14. Integra21

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    Im a doberman owner myself(have a male and a female) and they are great dogs and smarter than most. Just thowing in my 2 cents. Otherwise flamethrowes and high powered rifles are a good option. Maybe a strategically placed landmine or punji sticks. lol.
  15. Integra21

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Sorry to double post, but I saw poplars comment on not being able to smoke. Have you considered just using edibles for the next few weeks. I have a perfect cookie recipe if you can get yourself and 8th of hash.
  16. Integra21

    the chitown sourkush thread

    I feel bad now. It seems like we are messing up Howak's thread with this argument and its getting nowhere. We shouldnt really keep posting on the subject unless its short and to the point, with pics to prove your statements, and with out the name calling(im guilty of). I have respect for Dr. G's...
  17. Integra21

    Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

    Im not sure how many batches of butter or hash you have made, with with me the numbers are flipped. I made butter on 4 previous occasions with results below what I expected. Each time I used a garbage bag full of good quality trim and only made 1-2 pounds of butter and every thing I made with...
  18. Integra21

    the chitown sourkush thread

    I dont know if Im just using words that are to big for you or what, but you're not understanding what Im saying at all. Every plant needs to adapt to any change in its environment. All's Im am trying to get across is that of all the adaptations a plant must make with a move from indoor to...
  19. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    That was a typo. It was supposed to be 2 600w lights. good catch though, that could have confused other people too.