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  1. `SoA || Asi

    First Ever Grow - Stealth PC Easy Ryder Bubbleponics

    primo stuff dude your the man iv never seen easyryders like this b4 my first auto was an easyryder
  2. `SoA || Asi

    South Park Season 14 Episode 11 Coon and Friends

    very funny episode south park is getting so funny
  3. `SoA || Asi

    South Park Season 14 Episode 11 Coon and Friends

    enjoy bros xD :weed: is this new cause it hasint came out yet
  4. `SoA || Asi

    some funny stuff and trippy things xD

    :P i will add moe
  5. `SoA || Asi

    some mysteries

    sweet bro trippy stuff thanks for shareing
  6. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    nice man autos are different they dont like nutes much heres an update xD Cobra and Stoned my cobra keeps growing more and more trics weird
  7. `SoA || Asi

    ..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

    Duplex yum nice man heres some random thc/Ladiva/Easyryder/GreatWhiteShark is the little one experement with redbull xD tasty got 4 grams :weed:
  8. `SoA || Asi

    I just seen Jackass 3D online + Links

    wtf 4d wooo crazy sup poonjoon
  9. `SoA || Asi

    Holy hell biggest weed feilds ever (afghanistan) marines

    holy hell fuck yeah crazy shit:leaf::clap: thanks bighill he showed them to us ZKaQIB69BgQ fixza6ARadg KDAUm0RE36Q
  10. `SoA || Asi

    ..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

    holy hell fuck yeah sweet share crazy shit fixza6ARadg
  11. `SoA || Asi

    I just seen Jackass 3D online + Links

    yeah i couldent watch in 3d that didint stop me from watching it i really wanted to see it even if kinda blurry at times being high helps xD let me llok for a decent link wait on
  12. `SoA || Asi

    ..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

    wow nice shots mate they look tasty
  13. `SoA || Asi

    I just seen Jackass 3D online + Links

    man so funny but gross in parts alot of nut busters watch out when train comes knoxville is crazy i heard that weeman died ages ago ? go to movies and watch xD funnyist movie of the year im going to watch agian and agian :clap::spew::grin: quailty anit that great blurry at times but one of...
  14. `SoA || Asi

    ..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

    mossy cheers mate i getting good results with funny budjet setup xD man your plants own very nice your dog is cool too LaDvia (DevilBerry) Smoke report Strain: LaDiva (auto)(Feminised) Growth: Id say really good plant nice and fast Nutes: seasol only little mainlly soil had nutes...
  15. `SoA || Asi

    What strain is this? (pink hairs, red leaves)

    you guys make me laugh Homegrowin nice mate invisable words classic mcpurple your kidding right looks fake to me iv done photoshop courses xD iv heard that u can colour your plant using food colouring i smoked some bud that was green made redy purpple colour xD make u think your buying...
  16. `SoA || Asi

    What strain is this? (pink hairs, red leaves)

    of course its fake xD look at the green one looks like a normal plant
  17. `SoA || Asi

    What strain is this? (pink hairs, red leaves)

    looks fake its easy to change colour i did this in 4 seconds xD maybe real :P
  18. `SoA || Asi

    My 1st medicine cabinet. 270 watt ES Supernova LED. Onyx and EasyRyder Autoflowerfem

    id say LaDiva LaMusa WhiteWidow i have a cobra nearlly done and auto stoned my next strains are LaMusa WhiteWidow LaDiva (DevilBerry) it potent and great taste and yeild
  19. `SoA || Asi

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    hi man this is my auto Cobra how long u think mate looks more ready in middle