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  1. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Thanks RiddleMe! I'll check my girls out and may be looking you up for some advice soon. These girls are growing FAST and I know I'm gonna need help keeping up! ;-)
  2. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    OMG, you too??? I just love to be in the presence of my girls and look at them as though I think they are going to grow for me right before my eyes!! LOL Once your girl sees the harvest, she'll be more nucking futs about it too!
  3. MizzMaryJ

    Separating the ladies

    Took the photos two days ago and already see more growth today. Smallest ones are two weeks old, the tallest is four weeks old Friday. Looked at the roots this a.m. and they are definitely starting to tangle. At their rate of growth I can't do entire grow in this bucket, right? How do I separate...
  4. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Thanks Sistah Stoner Barbie. :-) Even Barbie needs a buzz to put up with Ken's behind. LOL! Thanks for the welcome. Damn girl, your grow is lookin' PURTY!! Hope to look like that when I grow up! Holla!
  5. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Thanks SoA, for the tip on LaDiva. We'll see if I like autos after this grow! Hope it works out for me!
  6. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Bonzi, LOL! I ain't mad at that outranking! LOL! Just more wisdom for you to pass down to the rest of us nubes!
  7. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Lovin' you already girl! LOL! Now I just gotta make sure I don't f*** it up and give us ladies a bad rep. School me honey so I know for the next grow round, the yield is really not worth the time and effort on the rudes? Share your experience ... how low was the yield? Yeah, I spend so much time...
  8. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Thanks Bonzi for all the links/advice. Sounds like you are a master grower who is much needed around here! Let me get my budget together 'cause I want to make sure I have what I need to sustain a good grow/harvest. Thanks again!
  9. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Hey Indicator! I'm in my 40s too so I feel ya on the "girl" thang! I think all forms of growing come with their own brand of headaches, but we just gotta keep at it 'til we get that prize. :-) How have your grows gone in the past with soil? I thought with soil I would have to grow outdoors until...
  10. MizzMaryJ

    Hey RIU family!

    Thank you guys! Glad to be here. :-)
  11. MizzMaryJ

    New Enthusiastic Grower :D!

    Hey Dr. GreenThumb, I'm doing a hydro too and this is my first grow CLICK HERE My tallest girl will be 4 weeks old this Friday and the others are 2 weeks old tomorrow. I'm doing the DWC grow which requires more care and attention but hey, as "enthusiastic growers" we love to be where our girls...
  12. MizzMaryJ

    Lowlife Autoflowering Blueberry First Grow

    Yeah man, these girls seem to love nutrients. I started one of my ladies in an aerogarden 6 and moved her after two weeks into my hydro bubbler. She has really taken off since giving her some nutes! It's crazy! Think I'm gonna flush and nute every other week for now though. How often are you nuting?
  13. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Yeah Thacker, me and you both are hoping for some bomb Dutch Passion ... I've heard good things! How's your blueberry doing? I almost went with that strain but thought I'd try to go for something that might be hard to screw up for a first grow. Ordered the Fast Bud Autoflower and LR2, the Dutch...
  14. MizzMaryJ


    Hey Poet! I'm a newb too, just about 4 weeks into my first grow. I tell ya man, I'm already smelling the skunk smell and had to put an odor eliminator in the grow room as well as light hell of candles all around the outer area. So you should be smelling skunky pretty soon! Post some pics!
  15. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Thanks Bro, I will DEFINITELY be looking into the scrubber. It's not uncommon for country folk to pop up without warning for a visit and I don't want ANYONE to know!
  16. MizzMaryJ

    Hey RIU family!

    I'm "Mizz Mary J" and I've been lurking around RIU for about a month now just after I started my first grow. My girls are lookin' good so far (check out my album) and I am thankful for this community for helping me step out into bud-filled waters and go for it. I learned a lot on these boards...
  17. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Kewl! I gotta check my femme growers out and give a shout. Didn't know the ratio was that "high" (no pun intended ... well ... maybe)! LOL! Odor control, yeah, I'm thinking on that now dude 'cause even as young as they are, I can smell the skunkiness when I enter the area. I put an odor control...
  18. MizzMaryJ

    First Grow for a Girl

    Okay, so it seems my RIU brothas are typically the growers around here without many femmes trying their hand, but I'm going for it!! LOL! First grow EVAH!! Doing a hydro grow with 8 babes: 1 Low Ryder 2 started 1/14; 3 Fast Bud Autoflowers, 2 Pakistan Ryders, 1 Kannabia Power Skunk Bud, and 1...