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  1. EuZin

    Transplant during flowering help !

    was thinking of that too. cutting the bottom of the pot and placing it into more soil just in case it gets bound. if not i can just use the soil below for the next batch anyway.
  2. EuZin

    Transplant during flowering help !

    stunt is very likely due to some issues i had with pH and soil in the beginning of the grow, around 2 weeks old. but eventually it grew OK though the damage is done.
  3. EuZin

    Transplant during flowering help !

    Hi all, Need some expert advice on whether I should transplant my 6 weeks old plant. This is BM autoflower feminized by Nirvana. Indoor grow under 4 x 23w CFL plus 2 x12w LED. Plant grew for around 3.5 weeks and then flowered since 2.5 weeks ago. Included is a picture of the plant. It has...
  4. EuZin

    Need help for 1st indoor grow !

    Hi ! This is my first indoor grow and I have some problems with my plant which I don't really know how to rectify. Would appreciate any help given. Before I start, I would like to state that I have read through the sticky threads on this section regarding plant diagnosis and treatment. But with...
  5. EuZin

    Help with first grow

    Hey guys, I would like to give an update of what happened so far and hopefully some future new growers will benefit from it. Basically the plant is dead. Why ? Well I noticed that there were spider mites growing on the leaves. Lots of tiny black spots underneath and above the leaves as well as...
  6. EuZin

    Help with first grow

    Thanks for the reply guys ! Really appreciate it. Will take note of all the comments in my next grow.
  7. EuZin

    Help with first grow

    Hey Tri, thanks for the reply. 1. I do not want to be too specific about where I live because as you know Asia has draconian laws on the cultivation of cannabis. But I live in East Asia and the temperature is now 31-32 degrees Celsius in the day and around 26 at night. 2. This plant has been...
  8. EuZin

    Help with first grow

    Hi ! I am growing for the 1st time and would like to get some feedback and help on my growth so far. But before we begin, some background information. 1. Seeds from Nirvana ; BM auto-flower feminized. 2. Germinated on 17th May, seedling broke dirt on 19th May and transplanted to 2 gallon pots...