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  1. KarmaPaymentPlan

    groupbuy on CXBs?

    if your emails are anything close to the way you are on the forum then i could see not responding to you now i feel your just here dragging this out be happy you finally ordered your crap and maybe you can build something rather then congesting threads
  2. KarmaPaymentPlan

    "Area 51 LED" Information and discussion

    a light is not meds
  3. KarmaPaymentPlan

    "Area 51 LED" Information and discussion

    i dont sell either and i have a whole room with a mix of diy and prebuilts and ive never bitched about price in fact i only make 12 and hour and still support my wife whos in school if anyone whould bitch about price its me
  4. KarmaPaymentPlan

    "Area 51 LED" Information and discussion

    how much do you mark up your weed? i doubt your greedy ass is giving it away so you make money off others but dont wanna spend it on others whov invested time and effort noticing anything?
  5. KarmaPaymentPlan

    What Are You Listening To?

  6. KarmaPaymentPlan

    "Area 51 LED" Information and discussion

    i think your only tough through the net cuz your kinda a joke online as well awsome new line up for a51
  7. KarmaPaymentPlan

    "Area 51 LED" Information and discussion

    special olympics. your special we have people show up everyday and grasp the concept of higher efficiency your still rehashing the samee argument since youv shown up meanwhile everybody around you is learning and moving forward yeah your special
  8. KarmaPaymentPlan

    ...All Things Vero...

    looks like at 80w the CXB3590 still pumps out 40 par watts the vero 3500k needs 110 watts to reach the same par output
  9. KarmaPaymentPlan

    ...All Things Vero...

    nevermind read it wrong
  10. KarmaPaymentPlan

    ...All Things Vero...

    AP recent tests are still inconsistent with sloppy control and a strong bias its cool nobodies perfect but the superiority thing is driving me nuts more importantly AquaPants hold yourself to this high regard with HB but you reproduce questionable data and argue inconsistencies with your lazy...
  11. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Top bin COB comparison

    the mirror is very reflective so only the light that is directed towards the mirror at the appropriate angle makes it back to the plant. the sensor from my understanding reads best from a specific direction so that probably explains why you can get a better reading but is that crazy reflected...
  12. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Top bin COB comparison

    doesnt that light also have to travel through the glass twice and your banking on that mirror not having any imperfections. mirrors and mirroring surface are 2 very different materials
  13. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Halide revisited.

    you deserve what youve brought upon yourself self proclaimed magic man
  14. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Top bin COB comparison

    did your light come with walls? link please
  15. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Top bin COB comparison

    it was an easy upgrade i scored 2! got to match the old drivers with some fresh 3070s thanks GG im hoping by the time i score the new 2100 hlgs for my Veros, PLC will have more chips in stock!
  16. KarmaPaymentPlan

    CXB3070AD, CXB3590CD, 420nm, 660nm, and 730nm oh yes.

    i was curious how you feel about them now that you use 3500k more
  17. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Looking to buy marshydro LEDs ?help

    do you still have old mars grow stuff posted actually? never bothered to look?
  18. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Looking to buy marshydro LEDs ?help

    @daillman you should check out realstyles old grows with the mars he was brave enough to show how much a dissappointment they actually are and then you how happy he is now because he stopped and listened for a minute and now he has something hes very proud of
  19. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Looking to buy marshydro LEDs ?help

    well my buds size,quality, and over all yield mean something to me so running 60w^2 seems really stupid when im getting better results running half... so yes mars sucks
  20. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Looking to buy marshydro LEDs ?help

    omg your gonna keep going? Mars sucks i owned them and they are garbage and i own better lighting now until you can step out of your bubble you have no right thinking your shit dont stink you made a bad investment get over it but dont encourage others to waste money