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  1. Integra21

    Club 600

    Yeah bubble hash is easy to do, just time consuming. As a refrence since you are doing large scale, I had a white 13gal garbage bag full of trim(loose, not packed down) and I got 29g's of hash. So with as much trim as you have, I would say 3-4oz of hash off of every 2-3lb run. If you get good at...
  2. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks a lot. Glad you liked the show. I cant wait to get the next one going, but I have been so busy and in and out of the hospital so I didnt get my clones cut till today. So there will be a few week delay getting it all up and running. But I still have the harvest of the other half of the...
  3. Integra21

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Thats pretty sweet howak. Never even heard of those. I'll probly pick one up for my collection.
  4. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    shows how observant I am, I didnt realize that was a thread, thought it was just a comment.
  5. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    but no one knows the mechanics of making one?
  6. Integra21

    Club 600

    I got a hard time on another thread about what my hash looked like, so I reworked the hash balls more evenly and took some fresh pics. THese are the 73u and 25u hash balls reworked for your viewing pleasure...
  7. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    I got a hard time on another thread about what my hash looked like, so I reworked the hash balls more evenly and took some fresh pics. THese are the 73u and 25u hash balls reworked for your viewing pleasure...
  8. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    I got a hard time on another thread about what my hash looked like, so I reworked the hash balls more evenly and took some fresh pics. THese are the 73u and 25u hash balls reworked for your viewing pleasure...
  9. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    I like to share, so Im waiting for some buddys to come over later, but Im gona try my first ever bowl of strait hash and see how much it messes me up. But I saw somethhing I really want to try on a Canabis CUp video which is rolling some hash out flat and rolling a jay with it like it was a...
  10. Integra21

    Super bud! post all yore pictures!!!

    Since I only cut down half my girls, I will put pics from the next update here again. And thanks for the compliment.
  11. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    And here's the 25u bage hash reworked...
  12. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Does that look better fdd? I think thats kinda like a blonde color. I think you might be right about the speed I mix at. I didnt really pick one. I used an old mixer I had laying around and each batch I tried different speeds from the slowest to the fastest, and like I said earlier, each batch...
  13. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Ok, Took a minute to rework the hash ball. This is my 73u bag hash again for your viewing pleasure.
  14. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Im not sure the actual finish process you are supposed to do, but after I put the hash on plates, I take a paper towel and press then flat to get the water out. I repeat this with every run, just piling more on the plates(1 plater per bag) and pressing over and over. This ends up as a big tiedye...
  15. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Its the camera. They look brown and tan in real life, but the camera pics looked green.
  16. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Dont have the weight, but it was a 13gal garbage bag full of it. Took me 10 hours to make it all.
  17. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    So you guys dont get all prissy, I'll smash them together and retake some pics so they look just like yours.
  18. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    I had a 13 gal garbage bag full of trim, I dont know what the weight was though. And I used a 4 bag kit to make it. It's bubble hash. The way I make it(not changing the water)each run gradually gets darker and greener and all of the stuff from the same size bags end up on the same plate and...
  19. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    It is a 4 bag set with the sizes listed above except the 220u bag which is the work bag all the trim goes in.
  20. Integra21

    Super bud! post all yore pictures!!!

    Just finished scraping the bubble hash off the plates. Ended up with way more than I expected. Literally double what I got off of my buddys. The weights were as follows by bad size... 160u=3.5g 75u=15.6g 25u=10.6g All that total up and sitting on the scale...