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  1. Crashmat

    White widow 16 cola manifold. U.K. Grower

    I have only recently joined the site so didn't consider a journal until yesterday. So as some background I am growing in a 1.2 X 1.2 X 2m black orchid tent. As I have now got several strains going, the tent is used 24/7 with light changes from MH to HPS in the evening (I currently have a white...
  2. Crashmat

    White widow 16 cola manifold. U.K. Grower

    Hi all. Bit late in starting this so here goes. It's as the title says and is only my second ever grow, so why not try something different eh? Seed was germinated by covering with wet paper towel and putting in a plastic box with the lid ON. This was then put on the roof of my tent allowing...
  3. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Hi all. As promised here is the latest pic of my manifold. 5 weeks in and looking good. 16 beautiful cola sites. Up to now I've not used nutes, just good old fashioned potting compost and pH'd water. Gave her her first taste of GH Flora Trio fertiliser yesterday, and will now feed her for a week...
  4. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Hi man. Yeah I'm rapidly falling in love with my manifold. Not really doing a journal but I will add a few pics later. I just bought a super veg MH bulb and my ladies have grown a stupid amount in a week. I'll be doing a journal for my amnesia autos as I've just changed nutrient suppliers so...
  5. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    I started with a £5 greenhouse and some 125w CFLs. Quickly moved to a full tent. Loved making my scrubbers and other kit. Just finished making my reflectors for my uvb bulbs. It's now such a part of my rancid life that my real lady books time to see me :) Currently growing: 1 widow manifold 1...
  6. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Forgot to mention I have a good pH regime too
  7. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Hi dude. Yeah I've been designing things long enough to see what's right or suspicious. I take onboard every comment and decide from there. And yep I research until my teeth hurt and it always pays off. It's nice to hear how other people do it, even wrong or bad information can steer you...
  8. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Cheers man. I gave it a final tidy up last night and am going to let it run its course now. Excellent advice so far, I can see manifolds as being my way forward. Will still grow one or two unusual strains ( I have a kush auto that has been in flower for 8 weeks and will not stop growing)
  9. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Uber nice. I've just put her to bed and kicked off the germ with my amnesia babies.
  10. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Perfect and thanks again. Good to know I'm doing it right which is my biggest worry. She seems to be healthy so I'll remove those ones (I see what you mean about vert growth), all makes sense Gotta love the devil's lettuce :))
  11. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Hey so after reading all the sound pointers, my lady has had her haircut and is now high and tight and ready to join the Royal Marines lol. One more Q.. On the second picture do I lop off these growth tips or leave them? I guess the idea is to keep the stem as straight as possible with no growth...
  12. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Lovely :) looks like I'm on the right road then :)
  13. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Agreed. I kinda know what needs doing, but always best to check. Plants are like wood, easy to remove bits but nearly impossible to add to. Looking at the bud sites, each new growth is right on top of the older ones so should help with denser buds hopefully. I can get my lights 10" from the...
  14. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    I'm in no rush (just picked up 5 amnesia auto seeds). And this is all in general compost soil, water every two days, zero nutes. I simply use tap water from a plastic bottle. I fill the bottle up then leave the lid off for 48 hours to let the chemicals evaporate
  15. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Cheers man. I've a fair amount of yo yos and lots of space to hang from. Looking forward to the end result
  16. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Thanks man. I guess for me it's a case of knowing when to put the scissors down lol. Just seen your img. Beaut! I guess with mine as they are so low to the soil but developed, that I could give them another week then on to flower. She is 3 weeks into the manifold from the time I topped her
  17. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Hey dude. Thanks for the reply. Nope no fishing here. I spent a few months reading up then decided to have a go. Only my second ever grow. My theory is to keep everything as level as possible, seems to be working so far but you never know if you've missed something important. Cheers for the tip...
  18. Crashmat

    Help required with my first manifold

    Hello everyone. This is my first of hopefully many posts on this site. So here goes... I've done a few small CFL grows and all went well. Have moved to a 1.2 X 1.2 X 2m tent with 600W HPS. no issues with cooling, lights etc.. So I decided as I am an engineer to have a go at a manifold. All seems...