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  1. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Great to hear all your thoughts! I did notice all my changes once I put the led in my grow and I think deff too low moving to 1ft above the top. I used 1 ml of cal-mag per litre which is stated on bottle I may try 2 ml per litre next feed if I don't see much change! I will keep this post running...
  2. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Still not sure about repotting at the moment I might make a decision in the morning on that one, regarding heat stress I'm going to raise light by a couple inches first thing and see if it helps. Also hoping I might see improvement after Shes had nice drink and a good sleep
  3. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I have a feeling the pots a bit small but worried about transplanting this far in but I think it may have to be done. I do have holes in the bottom as well for drainage plus check run off water which is always around ph 5.8-6.2. Here are some pics 11 hours after watering with cal-mag ph 5.8...
  4. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    No pic yet but I'm using plant magic + coco, what do u think might be the problem, too small pot maybe?
  5. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    12ltr pot, coco, 30%ish perlite +1inch perlite at bottom
  6. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I will use the tap water tomorrow and calmag, how much per litre would u recommend ? Sorry for all questions. Feeds on Tuesday I will be more consistent from now on I was kinda winging it but I guess that shows now lol. Will give half dose nutes on Tuesday, thanks again for all your help and...
  7. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I've done loads of reading, almost every day for the last few months which has helped but good to get advice from another grower at present. You say spring water, do u mean just normal bottled water from regular shop? I have tap water sat open from this morning ready for tomorrow's watering...
  8. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Sounded like u had more experience lol gunna use calmmag tomorrow top leaves are twisting and curling up plus a bit of yellowing, big changes since yesterday not good
  9. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Thanks garden! The back of my hand feels fine between plant and light but will def use calmag with just ph'd water on Saturday morning. I have a 9inch fan blowing 24/7, humidity is always between 45-65. I feel my lil lady is rather small but don't have a clue what she is and was just wandering...
  10. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I fed on Tuesday 4th nov 2 litres water ph 5.8 had run off of 6.2 with 5ml of hard and soft nutes. My temps stay below 82 and above 67 in dark cycle which i thought was ok? should I add some calmag? I haven't used any yet. I feed and water when pot feels very light. I'm using an old shower...
  11. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    So good to hear that bullwinkle, thanks for quick response. Was getting a bit worried as PH was a bit high for a couple waterings but all good now short Ryder looks good!
  12. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    These were taken a couple hours ago, I forget to mention I knocked the main cola off when hanging my led. Oops!
  13. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Hi all, this is my first grow and first time posting here. I have one bag seed so don't know what strain it is. I'm sure it's indica as was very bushy until I removed a few leaves last week. It was under cfl's until last week when I purchased a 300w vapar led. I'm using plant magic coco and...