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  1. Darth Velonex

    Help! Clones showing strange discoloration

    I hit the three day mark since I cut them, so I removed the humidity dome. I've read some people keep it on the whole time and some people take it off as early as one day after cut. Any insight on this dilemma?
  2. Darth Velonex

    Help! Clones showing strange discoloration

    I hear you on that, but here's my theory derived from my dad's old school habits. Although roots obviously hate light by the time I see roots in a container this large the clones are well rooted and ready for transplant. There isn't any light getting through that soil all the way to cuttings...
  3. Darth Velonex

    Does this grow look right ?

    With that killer strain I'd want all the seeds I could get! Keep those killer genetics going man!
  4. Darth Velonex

    Help! Clones showing strange discoloration

    Any one else care to indulge me?
  5. Darth Velonex

    Help! Clones showing strange discoloration

    It's on about 5 out of 10 of them. They went from nice green with no spots to having spots and leaf curl like that during my 10 hour shift at work.
  6. Darth Velonex

    Help! Clones showing strange discoloration

    Hello all. I'm not exactly a rookie grower, but I'm just getting back on the horse and it almost seems new again. Regardless, in my limited experience I have yet to come across this. I came home from work to check my babies and was happy when I checked the temp/humidity in my dome, but...