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  1. G

    Hobo Grow Advice

    Hi, Its been a long time since I posted here last (12yrs) and Im at the stage where Im going to attempt a grow again but I could do with some advice as the whole scene has changed. Its going to be a bit of a hobo build n Im hopefully going to be growing it in my cupboard .. Its approx 2x2x4ft...
  2. G

    Commercial weed, budget grow, total noob, help please :) uk grow

    cheers for the reply mate, well after a lot of chat with my mates ive decided to do a guerilla grow and let it veg under natural light, on the hunt at the mo for a decent spot :)
  3. G

    Commercial weed, budget grow, total noob, help please :) uk grow

    I am a total newbie at growing anything, the reason ive got this plant is just a typical stoners moment when u find a seed and think " i grow that " not really thinking it through :) So the setup is a 8 inch pot, on my window sill, window is east facing so it only gets the morning light...