Commercial weed, budget grow, total noob, help please :) uk grow


Active Member
I am a total newbie at growing anything, the reason ive got this plant is just a typical stoners moment when u find a seed and think " i grow that " not really thinking it through :)

So the setup is a 8 inch pot, on my window sill, window is east facing so it only gets the morning light directly, ive topped the soil up with tomatoe plant food ( was high in nitrate? ) and also epsom salts ( magnisium ), also because i live on a highstreet, its never really dark as there is a street light opposite my window ( dont know if that makes a difference ?? )

Anyhow, im not to sure of the strain but it was sold to me as "red string" which is apparently thai weed, i personally think its just a bloke in his flat with some red string, but its stronger than commerical but not as strong as thai stick, so if anyone has got an idea on the strain from the pics, that would be helpful.

Also as a typical stoner i dont know exactly how old the plant is, the final pic shows it when its been topped twice and left to grow for about a week, im guessing its about 2 and a half to 3 months old?? I also havent got a clue if its a male or female, theres lot of guides on here for skunk, is it the same for weed?

The main reason im have posted this is that have just put the plant into budding mode which ive read and been told in 12/12 light? and i dont really know to much about it, my method is a bit crude, i just put it in my cupboard so there is a tiny bit of light getting in if my light is on (does this affect it massively??) how long does it take before i can tell if its a female, how long does it take to bud completely and are there any more hints you can give ??

Also ive had a search of the forums and cant find any commercial weed grows (not much of a search, but i did search!) so i thought i`d wack up the pics and start the thread, just in case anyone else wants to give it a bash for a laugh, at the end of the day as you can tell this is not a massive setup, its the cheapest of the cheap grow and hope, ive been lucky so far it seems .... fingers crossed

Im having trouble posting pics here, so put em on imageshack >


It's a beautiful plant you have there. I don't think just having it on the window seal will give you the best results, though I' sure you can get something. If you continue to grow as is, then prolly around end of fall/autumn time is when you can expect to harvest. I think putting in your closet everyday for the 12/12 effect would be hard to do, you would have to keep up on that for (I'd say plan for) 3 months.

However, you could find out the sex for sure doing it this way in as little as 2 weeks give or take a few weeks... But the light bleeding into the cupboard might effect this. (actually, it may cause some stress, and possible turn the plant into a hermi-male/female). I would like to recommend a few things if possible; get some florescent lights on her or better yet a HPS light, possible a transplant into a bigger pot though that may not be necessary. And get away from the window, perhaps a dedicated closet for her to grow in.


Active Member
cheers for the reply mate, well after a lot of chat with my mates ive decided to do a guerilla grow and let it veg under natural light, on the hunt at the mo for a decent spot :)