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    Can I start "scrOG"ing during the flowring?

    are there any other techniques that will allow the other buds to get more light? What about LST? could I start that now without stressing the plant?
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    Can I start "scrOG"ing during the flowring?

    Hey fellas. a quick question. I have two lovely babies in their first week of flowring. My question is: Can i place a fance over the pots now and carefully bend the plants so they I get more and bigger buds? Will this stress the plants? Thanks in advance
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    My First Grow. Indoor Bathroom grow, 250W High Power CFL 25.000 Kelvin W/Pics

    LOL yeah unfortunatly it is... But Im really carefull :P Been havin a problem with low humidity, the suckout fan is incredible...
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    My First Grow. Indoor Bathroom grow, 250W High Power CFL 25.000 Kelvin W/Pics

    Hey fellas, here's my first grow. :hump: Indoor grow, bathroom. Lamp: 250W High Power CFL 25.000 Kelvin Strain: No idea, but indica definetly. Age: 6th week now, just started nutin em. Soil Mix: 30% Soil, 30% Perlite, 30% Vermiculite Please send feedbacks and tips. Appreciate everything...
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    ok thanks my dude! I have put a layer of dolomite lime and watered it some so I'll just wait and see... and prey :P thnx
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    yeah I added dolomite lime as top dressing and then watered. but that was before I flushed it... should I add dolomite lime again? can I just add it to water and then water it next time with that? epson salt is really to come by around here... ph of the water is around 6.6. But I flushed with...
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    Can anybody help me and tell what is wrong with my baby here... It's her 5th week, the soil was really acidic and I managed to nute her, but then I flushed her. Some of the leaves fell off (lower leaves) but now this is happing to some of the lower leaves again. Curling, and seem like brown...
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    Advanced ph soil issue

    I know dude... I definetly will my next grow. This time I got no choice but finish it.. some of the leaves arte startin to turn brown from the inside/middle and outwards. A little bit on the tips. I don't know what it is, soil ph or nute burn. :cry:
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    Advanced ph soil issue

    but i read some place that if you have used any type of nutes lately that it is a bad idea to use lime to bring the ph up... it causes salt build up?? is this true?
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    Advanced ph soil issue

    yeah thanks a lot dude! :D cant believe how hard it is to find proper info on this. main problem is too many people write different stuff. But thanks ;)
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    Advanced ph soil issue

    Damn, money wasted on that damn aquarium buffer... Dolomite lime it is! But how do I use it? mixing with water or just mixing it with soil and then watering... and btw, do I need to flush the soil if Im gonna use dolomite lime?
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    Advanced ph soil issue

    Here it is. PH of my grow soil was around 6.5 when I first started grow. I added some Vermiculite and nutes in my fourth week, and the PH went down to 5.8. I live in a country where it is hard to buy stuff (we dont have grow shops and such) so I was thinking about increasing the PH of my soil by...