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  1. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Day 24 Flowering The co2 I've been running for the past week has been really kicking these girls into high gear, growing over an inch a day. The plant that was 18" four days ago is now 22". The plant that was 13" is now 18". My tallest plant, the branchy one pictured below is 24". On my last...
  2. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    It seems like you have more experience than me with this strain. This is my first run with it, so I have no idea right now how things are going to turn out. Once I find a strain that really works in this producer, I probably will grow that strain for quite a while. Medicineman from the...
  3. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Unless I'm not understanding, whether you attach the inline fan directly to the exhaust or connect the inline fan to the exhaust with ducting, you are still creating the same amount of suction on the small fan. Maybe it won't matter, but possibly the easy solution would be to remove the small fan.
  4. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    I mean, if I connect the more powerful inline fan through ducting to the exhaust where the whisper fan is, I wonder if I will damage the whisper fan in any way (or if I should just remove that fan altogether). I'm not a physics major, so I can't explain why it would necessarily be a bad thing...
  5. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Happihour, no probs man. Salinas, That's basically the setup I am considering for my Producer on this grow. I'm looking at purchasing essentially the same setup with a 4" inline fan and big can filter. My cost on those items would be about $170 at my hydro shop. The goal ultimately is to...
  6. ancap


    I think the US government is one of the oldest governments in the world. When a system can give a man money and power by being elected, the type of men that will pursue that money and power will usually offer bribes in exchange for votes. That's just the way the river flows. No one is...
  7. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    You might be confusing me with someone else. I'm not using ice bottles.
  8. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Day 20 Flowering A couple days ago I introduced co2 and now the plants are growing now at an average rate of 1" per day. I cut the bottom 4-6 branches off each of the bigger plants to free up some space and will reevaluate if I should cut more in a couple days. With my carbon filter on I am...
  9. ancap

    Second round with BCNL producer, pink kush

    I'm planning on adding a fan or two to my current grow. I'm told it helps keep the mold spores from settling and also eliminates hot spots in the box. Mine gets really hot in the middle top of the left side. Smokedup12 pointed me to this fan, but I'm sure any similar sized fan would work. Here's...
  10. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Yeah, when you can smell fresh herb from the driveway, I don't think ona is going to help much. My little cheapy carbon filter works wonderfully for odor, but the exhaust fan isn't powerful enough to keep the air moving very well. This may not be a problem though if I lived in a less humid...
  11. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Day 15 Flowering I am feeding these girls about 600 ppm of nute solution now including Bloom A&B, Carboload, Big Bud, B-52, and Sensizym. I also emptied out a family sized tea bag and filled it with a teaspoon of Turantula Powder and Piranha Powder, sealed it, and dropped it into the res. As...
  12. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    I have not yet solved this problem, but I really haven't given it much thought yet either. If anyone has any suggestions for a product that eliminates the smell but allows airflow, please send me links. I'm also going to be shopping for a small fan or two to mount inside the box.
  13. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    You know, the few times I start to think, "This has nothing to do with my grow", I swallow my ego and realize that this kind of conversation is really helpful for others lurking and growing with the same system... far more helpful than hearing about the progress of this particular grow. So no...
  14. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    I do not live in a medical MJ state, no. You're talking about shipping the BCNL box to your apt? It can be done, but it will probably take some thought and planning. You can have it shipped to the local shipping depot and pick it up from there (with a pick up truck ). It will take two people to...
  15. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Alright... started a new journal for my ICE grow. I'm 10 days into flower. See you over there.
  16. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Back for another grow with my BCNL producer grow box. This time, I'm growing Nirvana Ice. These plants are 10 days into flower and range from 6-9 inches tall. They were stunted a bit because I had to hold them in my veg area for longer than intended due to my flowering chamber being occupied...
  17. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Thanks for stopping by! I'm loving growing hydro and these boxes make it very easy. I check on things usually once a day, and I'm spending about an hour once a week to change the res and fiddle with things. You can definitely learn a lot after three years! I'm on my third serious grow (had some...
  18. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I'm going to trim aggressively to increase airflow, add a fan to one of the top corners of the grow chamber, and replace my carbon filter with one that is larger has a build in fan to help really replace the air inside the chamber. If I take the carbon filter off late in flower you can smell...
  19. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    LTZ, I never weighed that cola because it had some mold issues in the interior which made it artificially heavier. I was able to salvage most of it, but lost a good chunk. It is very beautiful though! Bigbux, that was 12 plants that I got 9 oz from. Probably lost another 2-3 oz to mold...
  20. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Hey, I think I have a picture of that somewhere in this thread. It's just a cardboard box opened on both ends that provides a funnel to the intake... nothing crazy. :)