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  1. B

    when to stop nutrients

    I don't now, I was just going by the feeding schedule.... I also forgot to mention I'm growing her with cfls. I hope that doesn't make too much of a diffrance, doesn't seem to have made a diffrance so far
  2. B

    when to stop nutrients

    Wow, a pound? Your really think so? I'm using Fox Farm nutrients, the buds are growing, but still kinda small, I feel like they still have alot of growing to do if she is gna give anything close to a pound
  3. B

    when to stop nutrients

    Mine don't look like that yet...
  4. B

    when to stop nutrients

    I'm guessing my plant has about 3-5 more weeks left. I wanta cut the nutrients out 2 weeks before harvest, but I'm not exactly sure when that will be. Does anyone know how to tell when she is 2 weeks from harvest? How much longer do you think I can keep feeding her for?
  5. B

    5 week old cfl autoflower

    I was thinking it might go 10-12 weeks as well, so the next thing I was wondering was when I should cut the nutrients. I know it's 2 weeks before harvest, but with 10-12 weeks there is a 2 week gap. If I stop at 8 weeks it might still go another 4 weeks without nutrients, but if I wait till...
  6. B

    autos looking small please help me out

    Like i said I'm no expert, so I may be wrong... but at 5 weeks an autoflower should be starting to flower, I mean it's half way through its life already. 2 more weeks and it should be done growing and stretching. That plant looked like mine at 1-2 weeks. Your lights were to close to start, give...
  7. B

    autos looking small please help me out

    Sence it's an autoflower and it's on a time limit, if those plants are 4 or 5 weeks old I just don't see how they could ever come close to ever looking anything like mine. They mistake I made with my first couple plants is that my lights were too close. Seeding don't need much light at all...
  8. B

    autos looking small please help me out

    This is my plant at 5 weeks. As you can see there are some major differences. This is my first grow so I'm no expert or anything but you might wanta think about Startin over. I had a few seeds get stunted at a young age before this one. How much light do you use on then as seedlings and how far...
  9. B

    5 week old cfl autoflower

    7 weeks old now
  10. B

    5 week old cfl autoflower

    By the way the strain is Cash Crop by cream of the crop
  11. B

    5 week old cfl autoflower

    Thx man. She is stretching right now, quite a bit actually. I gotta raise my lights pretty much ever day. I'm gna cut off her veg nutrients probably next watering tho cuz I only have about 1 foot left of grow room in my box and I don't want her to grow to big. How's your 5 week old plant doing?
  12. B

    5 week old cfl autoflower

    The problem is, it's a small box 2' × 2'. So she pretty much takes up the whole box. It's a bright box tho and I got the lights spread out and to the side much as possible. She is definetly starting to flower today and so far so good
  13. B

    5 week old cfl autoflower

    I hope I'll have enuf light, but honestly this is my first plant so I'm still wondering that myself. So far It has grown under 160 watts of cfl, but I will be put 2 more bulbs on her soon for a total of 240 watts. Fingers crossed that will be enuf to make some nice buds. I've been feedin her fox...
  14. B

    5 week old cfl autoflower

    This is my 5 week old autoflower, grown under 4 or 6 40 watt cfls and a small fan. Fox farm soil and nutrients. let me know what you think please.
  15. B

    fox farm nutrients

  16. B

    is this a problem?

  17. B

    is this a problem?

    Thanks for the good info everyone, she was pretty thirsty when I took the pictures, perked right back up.... I forgot to mention she is an autoflower, is it still a good idea to trim the bottom leave on an autoflower? .... Also anyone got any tips on how to feed her calcium and magnesium?
  18. B

    is this a problem?

    It's just a few leaves on the bottom, the rest of her looks fine
  19. B

    is this a problem?

    Does this look like something I should be worried about? Could it be a problem with the nutes? Possibly a little nutes burn? It's only on some older bottom leaves thx
  20. B

    fox farm nutrients

    Cool, thx for the info. I think I'll increase the nutes then..... what do you guys think about this leaves? Is it something I should be worried about, or maybe something with the nutes? Possibly a little burn? And it's only on some older bottom leaves