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  1. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    Damn nice garden! What are you using for lights?
  2. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    Okay cool, will that have any affect on the flowering cycle at all?
  3. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    Great read Doc! Those girls are beauts for sure! Do you have any tips for keeping stretching to a minimum? I have maybe another 6" of height, that's right to the top! It's starting to stretch, can I continue to tie it down during early flower?
  4. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    Your help is greatly appreciated Dr. Pecker, I will keep you updated, I will post some more pics once I feed it some fert and calmag. I am trying to keep this baby under 18", do you think I put her into flower too early?
  5. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    What would produce better quality and/or taste? and which would be cheaper?
  6. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    Yeah that's the one thing I did buy from the local hydro shop. It doesn't have a lot of perlite in it though so I am not getting great drainage.
  7. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    As in not much? Lol you have any journals?
  8. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    Gonna pick u some cal mag tomorrow
  9. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    Thanks Dr. Pecker, I figured they would be okay since none of the new growth shows symptoms (as far as I know). All input is welcome, I need as much criticism as I can get from everyone! lmao
  10. Heisenberggg

    Day 5 of flower, How does she look?

    So I have a very ghetto, micro cab stealth grow going on. I let her veg for 6 weeks, shes now day 5 into flower. How does she look? I have been having some problems with a deficiency (i think), have started sing distilled water instead of tap and it seems to have stopped. I originally had 1x 23w...
  11. Heisenberggg

    Is this a deficiency?

    What is wrong with her? Was gone for one day, was looking great, cell back to thus?! Cal/mag def? The big leave on top is crispy but no other leaves are!
  12. Heisenberggg

    How does she look?

    Me too!
  13. Heisenberggg

    How does she look?

    Not a guerilla grow lol it was inches from a sidewalk downtown in a busy city with a lot of nightlife. No soil or anything, it was like someone dropped a seed lol. Maybe I am over watering, I'm watering I t every other or ever day depending on how dry the soil is.
  14. Heisenberggg

    How does she look?

    Mystery strain. Found it growing in the grass it was about 4" tall. She had a bit of stress from transplanting but recovered quick. I tied her down and topped her 5 days ago. Looking at 8 bud sites so far. How doe she look? Just under 2 36w cfls. Any advice or in out? Thanks!
  15. Heisenberggg

    When does it actually start to smell?

    I have one mystery plant, it's definitely indica. It is 2 1/2 weeks old about 8 inches tall (but I tied it down and topped it so its more like 5 inches tall right now. It is quite bushy and it stinks SOOOO bad (GOOD). I have it in a small cab, inside my bedroom closet, with my bedroom window...
  16. Heisenberggg

    First attempt at fimming

    Enigmatic those are absolutely beautiful! VERY nice garden you got there.
  17. Heisenberggg

    Should I FIM or top?

    Very nice Jimmy! So I just topped her, going to tie her down once the new growths start, and then I will probably flower in 2-3 weeks. Since I am trying to grow in a limited space, should I flower it early? All of my previous grows had no restrictions other than cash, and I found I got the best...
  18. Heisenberggg

    Should I FIM or top?

    Definitely going to take a look at the LED section, I am vegging currently just with CFLs, may have to move up to LED though, would like to keep efficiency and heat as low as possible. So you think I should top it and then start flowering a few days later? Thanks again for your input!
  19. Heisenberggg

    Should I FIM or top?

    Those girls are beauts by the way! :)
  20. Heisenberggg

    Should I FIM or top?

    Thanks, I was pretty sure I wanted to top them, just needed a bit more input. Unfortunately I have very limited space, I would say 36Wx24Hx24L so I need to keep hem as low as possible. I live in a small one bedroom apartment so I am just kind of testing the waters to see if I can grow here or...