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  1. Heisenberggg

    Should I FIM or top?

    About 2 leaf sets ago I attempted my first FIM and failed as I did not remove enough of the new growth. Since then I have tied her down to one side, I do have experience with LST. I was planing on having her follow the rim of the pot. My question is should I top her, split the branches off in...
  2. Heisenberggg

    First attempt at fimming

    Thanks for the input. I lived with a friend before and we had a while room designated. Now I am living in a one bedroom apartment with my girlfriend, and it was a very unplanned grow haha.
  3. Heisenberggg

    First attempt at fimming

    So I do have some experience with low stress training, I have had a couple of monsters with multiple colas using this method. After reading more into this site again (after 8 years) and have read a lot about fimming. I just took a pair of tweezers and pinched about half of the new growth off...
  4. Heisenberggg

    Please help, what is wrong with her?

    Hopefully it's a she! Haha I'll keep it, it's already quite stinky though and really don't want to build a whole setup for the smell. unfortunately posted up in a one bedroom above a business downtown so no balcony.
  5. Heisenberggg

    Please help, what is wrong with her?

    Unfortunately I live in an apartment. My previous grows were fluro then hps. Since this is an unexpected plant not looking to put much into it. If I got let's say 3 cfls do you think I could at least veg with them? May pick up a cheap little mh or led kit for flower.
  6. Heisenberggg

    Please help, what is wrong with her?

    I don't see anything moving, but there is a lot of what looks like dirt built up under the top few sets. When I transplanted I had to do it as discreet as possible as it was downtown, so after digging it out I put it in a grocery bag for my 3 minute walk home, not sure if some of the dirt got up...
  7. Heisenberggg

    Please help, what is wrong with her?

    Thanks, it just started today, going out in the am to get some good soil
  8. Heisenberggg

    Please help, what is wrong with her?

    Do you see how some of the leaves are like, disfigured? Would that be the same cause?
  9. Heisenberggg

    Please help, what is wrong with her?

    Whoa, I only meant to upload 4, sorry. Thanks for the quick reply, I'm going to the local hydro shop tomorrow to pick up some good soil and a larger pot. Thanks again!
  10. Heisenberggg

    Please help, what is wrong with her?

    Okay so I have grown 4 crops in the past, about 8 years ago, all indoor and they turned out good. I don't even smoke a lot anymore. I was walking my puppy the other day and literally found a plant growing in the grass, it was inches from the sidewalk downtown! No loose soil under it, does not...