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  1. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    It is sterling in Scotland isn't it lol
  2. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The prices your speaking are unbuckling believable an you don't think you would have any problems getting rid of weight at the price of it down here,what class is it down there b isn't it? Same as here? Everyone really laid back here an not really that botherd, nether are the police or the...
  3. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I have goose pimples thinking of bud selling for 350s an oz down there, is it likely to drop as more people start growing or is that pretty much the base price of nice bud? Cos that is fucking crazy an anyone writhing a 100 miles of Manchester would say the same so keep it quite yea! Between me...
  4. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yea we call all shit bud round here orange bud too lol all bud when dryed properly has a nice fruity dangness to it, the orange bud is usually speed dried or too damp an smells hay an fresh
  5. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I've notice when bud sites don't get enough lite they sometimes resemble orange bud, at the end of harvest, I think it's just grown on a commercial level in Amsterdam an the quality s therefore affected, there only interested yields, a lot of the Vietnamese grow that shit!
  6. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I can imagine if any1 could be arsed curing the orange bud then it myte be quite satisfying, or maybe not, I think it's white widow to be truthfull
  7. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    20x1.4 equAls an oz bang on nice little greedys Pan yea I know about that orange bud, it's around here a lot, it's very mould resistant allowing it to be store whilst damp! It doesn't often come dry, it's easy to grow an you get big yields, an doesn't take much caring thought out the growing...
  8. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hardly say 15 was a massive grow op an would be pretty hard for me to meet you with that, I'm moving to scotland an becoming a millionaire
  9. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The street boys where I'm from do 1.6g to 2g for 20 quid if you lucky, luckily I just take an oz out at cost before I hand over to keep me going, but the street lad are always there when needed, althought a lot of the time if I havnt got they havnt either
  10. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yea cos I'm gona start cutting buds of to smoke, an seriously if that's the price of cheese in Scotland we need to meet as I can get cheese just wanted more contacts! How much is average stinky fruity goin for up there?
  11. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You profile pic explains your mentality, squidgy black, I can also get for 800-1000 but only people like you smoke it an make little plastercine looking models with it so not really a big seller
  12. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Take me to fucking Scotland an show me the people who buy bud for 350 an o, an you will see me become very rich! Blackpool 235s max for the dankerty dank, blackburn 220s max an this is in singles, if your buying a box then you can get it for 6 an half all day when it's there
  13. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You fucking tool, cheese in Manchester goes anywhere from 175s to 200 if you no the right people yea if you buying singles 235s max where I'm from but if your buying a box an you paying over 2s then you getting raped, your getting fucking raped, the amnesia sells for 280s max an people don't...
  14. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I have 4 x 600 an will put some pics up tomorrow there sleeping at the moment!
  15. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Was never here what you on about
  16. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Im sat next to 15 cheese right now in a 2.4 x 2.0 tend all in 25 litre pots, an I will be getting minimum 3 oz a plant wasn't being polite you was teasing me..
  17. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Can I upload pics from my iPad?
  18. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    What a cute yes cute little grow room
  19. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Take some pics of me next to my garden I meant
  20. 30022533d

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I would take some pics with a fucking newspaper whilst holding my knob if that would help you trust me more