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  1. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Getting a little bigger. Going to buy more lights soon. Any Thoughts?
  2. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Sorry, no pictures today or tomorrow. I'm at a two day long track meet. New Pics Sunday
  3. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Looks like the second set of leaves are starting to pop through.
  4. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Hey thanks for commenting meave! Just checked out your grow thread, damn those look nice! Hopefully I can get anywhere close to those results. Right now I'm using 2 23w cfls, and yes, i'll definitely need more light, I just wanted to get them started before I went to the store to get more...
  5. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Moving along nicely, I haven't noticed a ton of growth the last 2 days. How do they look?
  6. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    The red cup sprouted and is quickly catching up to the orange one.
  7. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    One sprouted. Waiting on the other...
  8. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Low quality, but just showing the germinated seeds. The starter cups I'm using.
  9. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Yeah, I'm growing bagseed, and i'm totally just risking it. I'm planting two so hopefully at least one is female.
  10. C

    Second Grow, 2 plants, CFL Budget Grow. New Pics everyday

    Hey this is my second grow attempt, last time I grew 1 plant but it turned out to be male. I'm really looking forward to this grow, and am hoping for any amount of yield. My seeds have just germinated and I hope to plant them later tonight. My setup is nothing special (college student on a...
  11. C

    Is this a male

    Got some better pics
  12. C

    Is this a male

    i know, i'm sorry. i need a better camera. btw thanks insightful
  13. C

    Is this a male

    This is my first grow and i only have one plant, i know the picture is blurry, but can you tell if this is male or female? i can't get a better pic right now.
  14. C

    First Grow, CFLs, what's wrong with my plant?

    Wow, Idk what i'm doing wrong then, hopefully it's just the strain.
  15. C

    First Grow, CFLs, what's wrong with my plant?

    I hope what you said about the strain is true. Mine is just bagseed to be honest, (i just wanted to see of i could grow it first), because i have done a lot of research on this site and others and don't think i was doing a whole lot wrong. I'll just have to see.
  16. C

    First Grow, CFLs, what's wrong with my plant?

    alright, i thought i was doing ok on the watering, here is another pic taken just moments ago, it doesnt seem to be drooping like the others...maybe because i havent watered in a while? I'll have to watch that more closely. I started nutes at about 4 weeks, its just an off brand miracle grow...
  17. C

    First Grow, CFLs, what's wrong with my plant?

    This is my plant 5 weeks into veg. I started it on a VERY low budget, i now have 2 23w 5500k cfls, a 20w 2700k, and a couple 20w tubes. I water on a consistent basis, but not too much, and i use very low amounts of nutes. I'm not sure why my plant is so much smaller than it should be at 5 weeks.
  18. C

    Harvesting a male

    ok, i understand that the males don't produce as much THC but i know they have some... What i'm asking is when is the best time to chop them and make them into hash or butter? do i let them flower a few weeks?
  19. C

    Harvesting a male

    Say my plant begins to sex and it turns out to be male (bummer i know) but i still want to make butter out of it. Should i let it keep flowering or chop it up right away? In other words, is it worth it to let a male grow a little longer with the hopes to make butter out of it?
  20. C

    New GROwer Need Help

    :sad: sorry man, this seems waayyyy too small for 3 week...