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  1. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    A harvest update on my outdoor Piss plant. I cut and trimmed it and made canna butter from the trim. I tried a new way of making it(unless someone already has, which im sure of). To start, I took my crock pot and filled it with about 10 cups of hot water. Then I placed in 6 sticks of butter and...
  2. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    I am currently testing mixed on my mothers with Organic hydro. Keeping it simple and just bought the fox farm line up of liquids. Been in for 3 days. PPM's have stayed very stable with a slow but steady ph climb. The plant has not yet shown any negative signs and the Mango mother I'm testing on...
  3. Integra21

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    I would reccommend doing some lst(light stress training). You could use a screen or simple bootlaces or parachute string. Gives you total control on plant height and allows you to manipulate the plant more horizontally. This is how I manage to grow in my space(only 3.5ft tall) with a 400w light...
  4. Integra21

    The BubbleHead Gang

    I have used both of them a lot. It all depends on your needs. The sticks are nive, especially if you use a lot of them. But the discs are nice for the very short hight and being able to place them directly under the plant to directly oxygenate the whole root ball.
  5. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    That is a Local growers strain called Piss. Indica dominant cross of Cat Piss, Northern Lights, and another back cross strain that slips my mind. That particular plant is a little over 6ft tall. I'm guessing the harvest will be between between 8-10oz. but if I'm lucky, a little more.
  6. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Yeah. You can veg for as long and as big as you want or the strain can handle. Just remember that a 100-150% increase is typical when flowering begins. Make sure you have the room and lighting to handle a plant that size(outdoor is easiest). And to the other question, At the moment I have 5 DWC...
  7. Integra21

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    nice recovery. They should be making some pretty nice buds. My outdoor is almost done. Chopping it next weekend. Here's are some pics I took on Sunday.
  8. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks bro. Preliminary smoke report is great. I cut a small nug off of a bottom branch and dehydrated it for 24hrs. at 105F. I know this isn't how you're supposed to dry and cure bud, but it is the best method I have found for next day tests before harvest, because I believe you should always...
  9. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks bro. Preliminary smoke report is great. I cut a small nug off of a bottom branch and dehydrated it for 24hrs. at 105F. I know this isn't how you're supposed to dry and cure bud, but it is the best method I have found for next day tests before harvest, because I believe you should always...
  10. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    This is my outdoor Piss plant. I planted it in early June after growing from bagseed indoors for a month.I fed it about once a month with my GH Flora nutrients with molasses. The plant has a very strong odor that can be smelled 15 feet away. I will be harvesting it next weekend. Here are the...
  11. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    This is my outdoor Piss plant. I planted it in early June after growing from bagseed indoors for a month.I fed it about once a month with my GH Flora nutrients with molasses. The plant has a very strong odor that can be smelled 15 feet away. I will be harvesting it next weekend. Here are the...
  12. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    thanks guys. Some hard work and a whole lot of research can really pay off. Glad you are enjoying the show. There will be pleanty more to watch coming up.
  13. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    I will be updating later today with some pics of my outdoor girl. Planning to cut her down next weekend.
  14. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    I will be Updating Later today with some pics of my outdoor Girl. Plan on chopping her down next weekend.
  15. Integra21

    white rhno first grow

    Yeah, I never knew either untill I started looking into ways to get better close up shots of my buds. Makes a world of difference. It really helped my cured bud shots turn out better.
  16. Integra21

    white rhno first grow

    Most do and it is usually represented by a little flower symbol like this Pushing the button usually toggles it off and on. Hope this helps.
  17. Integra21

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    some people put their plants into a 36 hour dark period at the begenning of the 12/12 to make surre the plants know they are flowering. I did this with my first set, and it seemed to work fine, but al since were just thrown in the room with the rest of them strait into a regular 12/12 cucle and...
  18. Integra21

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    yep, thats one of the oldest tricks in the book and very effective in managing temps.
  19. Integra21

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    If you have your heart set on keeping them intact for as long as possible, you can cure them in good quality tuperware that's air tight. As long as it a good seal, it will work. You just have to find one big enough to fit thase bad girls in.
  20. Integra21

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Like I said though, If your looking for simple, you can just attach a fan to one side of the reflector to circulate air from your room through it and it will cool the light down enough to move it closer to your girls with no ducting required. The ac should handle no problem the extra slight heat...