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  1. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Here you have it.... Why men should be allowed to persue wealth and power... ...and why men should not ever be allowed to obtain too much wealth and power. The progressive tax is a good thing, people...
  2. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    The "hard money" system, or "gold standard" is not a sustainable long term system. Wealth will concentrate with the few until they have practically all of it. Once they have all of it, there is no motive to invest any of it... Think about it... if you already have 95% of the wealth in the...
  3. H

    Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

    I would thank you to keep this debate civil and mature, RickWhite. Just an appeal to your good sense... Unless he can be linked directly to organized terror then there is nothing more to know... ...and Muslims are not at war with the United States. Some people who ARE at war with the United...
  4. H

    Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

    Okay so why aren't you complaining that the religious affiliation of every criminal isn't blasted out by the media. Why is it relevant? What are you going to do differently if he were Jewish? or Catholic? or Protestant? or Buddhist? or Atheist? Why do you only want to be notified of Muslims...
  5. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I know this. Are you going to answer the question? is it instant impact or four year delay? Also, see edit above Thats funny. I could say the same thing about your first post, but I didnt want to be rude...
  6. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    You know whats funny? When a Repub president screws everything up (The Bush's), or a Dem president fixes things(Clinton). Its all about how it takes four years for the President's policies to show up in the economy... so it was really the Repub who fixed it or the Dem who screwed it up... But...
  7. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    You want me to read an entire book, but you wont take the time to post a few comments on the 4-5 pages I've written here? You are welcome to join the debate if you have something relevant to say... Looking at the first few pages or so, it looks like that book is a lot of opining... Repubs...
  8. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I never said govt regulation is infallible. Only that we can do it right if we want to. But anyways, I'll address your specific example... Thats a common misconception. It was actually the repeal of the glass-steagall act in 1999 that let to the mortgage crisis. If you read about the...
  9. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Perhaps, but it many instances a product or service is essential to a persons livelihood... I guess I could go without a cell phone, but that would put me at a severe disadvantage conducting my business. I should not be forced to decide between my consumer rights and my effectiveness at...
  10. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I would contend that the overall force is one that further concentrates the wealth distribution. I'm not sure what you mean when you say I've classified people in black and white. Could you be more specific as to which part of my (many lol) arguments you are referring to with this? Absolutely...
  11. H

    Jon Stewart parodies Beck - priceless

    AWESOME!! I just shared this with a bunch of friends I also recommend watching the 4 episode sequence where he rips on Rick Santelli, then CNBC, then Jim cramer, then jim cramer finally comes on the show and gets his ass handed to him in every category
  12. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    If you read back to my first post, you will see that yes I did join for this thread. As you can see this topic is very important to me. I figured that if someone genuinely wants to understand my perspective (which I care about a lot) then I will join in the debate. Not using my own screen name...
  13. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    So you're saying its okay to abuse the poor if you're doing it with riches you got by not abusing the poor? By any means, the main point of my argument is that taxation is and should be relative to the amount of work you put into that income. Yes, and that person was already compensated for...
  14. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I only wish to thwart their efforts to have a say over my decisions as a consumer. It is THEM who are committing the offense. If they didn't try to subvert my "consumer regulation", I would have no want or desire for government to intervene with law or mandate. Actually, I do own stock. Not...
  15. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Actually, MNP drove the cost of wireless service DOWN because it allowed consumers to make choose their wireless carrier with less of an artificially manufactured barrier. You see, businesses only want "free markets" when it serves their interests.... but when a "free market" presents the easy...
  16. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Perhaps, but it took 15 years for a new competitor in the industry to come in and do this (metroPCS). Also, number portability was not achieved until govt intervened. They advertized it had "Bluetooth". Up until that point, advertising "bluetooth" was accepted to mean your phone supported the...
  17. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I strongly disagree with this statement. I think the consumer has become far too sheepish to realize when they're being duped. Just a few examples: Cell phone contracts. Until recently, all cell phone companies required you to sign a contract to obtain service. You were locked into a term...
  18. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Yes, but the hypothetical profits (if there were any) would belong to taxpayers, NOT just shareholders in the insurance company. This is like saying taxpayers are running a ponzi scheme on taxpayers.... and has nothing to do with private industry running a ponzi scheme on the masses
  19. H

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Its not like the water company would send out a memo telling everyone that the water quality is being reduced. If they can improve their bottom line by reducing water quality, they will. 99% of the time consumers will not notice or will be to preoccupied to care. Do you wait until people start...