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  1. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Ok Like I said B4....a few being that i knocked a week off the grow...I Knocked a week off the grow well im knocking a week off...this is week 6 but next week will be final phase and then 3 days Ice water and I will be done right around new years...I trimmed the hell...
  2. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Thanks HG....I will have some more pics posted today...i had to make a few changes...I cut out alot of fan leaves to allow more light to get to the buds at the bottom...i only got like 2 weeks left but yea slow and steady....still learning....and taking notes for the next go around....let me...
  3. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Good lookin out....yea I try to keep the info far as the perfect strain i mean its pretty hard to say...for me it is since this is my first...but just do a little research and pick one...i went through a few before i picked what i wanted...and it also depends on if you grow from seed...
  4. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Still going strong...picking off alot of dead leaves but the buds are growing alot...think im just gonna stick with the schedule was thinkin about choppin a week off the grow but just depends.... Week 5 Nuts Big Bud = 150 ML Bloom A and B = 80 ML Kushie Kush = 60 ML Vita Boost = 60 ML Rhino...
  5. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    so that picture that u have is the one that did not work with the unit...thats the ones that I have..maybe that is why i was having issues with mildew
  6. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    I wanted to see what your new filter looked was pretty hard to get mine one...just curious...
  7. S

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Here they are so far....25th day of flowering....i got a grow journal going....this is a first...firsts pics are 4 day old clones...last few are from yesterday...cuttin them down at the end of the year....let me know what u think
  8. S

    1st grow Platinum OG Kush, Bubba Kush, Abusive Kush x Super Silver Haze

    Whats up hows ya grow coming up some pics...curious on how ya Plat Og is turning out....
  9. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Can you snap a flick of the new filter...wonder if that had anything to do with my issues....
  10. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Yea Same are pretty much the only one following my worries...havent had to many problems...but i have alot of mistakes to correct next time around....i feel like i have too much space left...maybe its the strain either way second time around will be better I hope....u ran...
  11. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Well still going strong...seem to be getting some nut burn on alot of leaves but everything looks healthy..probably gonna cut back on some nuts next week....I almost feel like i didnt veg long enough...i got a good 12 inches left and they seem to have stopped growing...but who knows...its like...
  12. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    lookin good...i had some problems with a little mildew but got it under control...a few of the underside of my leaves were a little wet but never too serious...inside stayed pretty dry...but then again my room temp never goes over 75 havent even had to use the ac for the past week...been pretty...
  13. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    man yours are growing so much faster then mine....maybe its because u grew from seed....looking good though....and u only have 8 growing in there i can only imagine if u had all 18....crazy....
  14. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Yea I will probably be trimming mine in a few only in the third week but i have heard that I might finish a little early so we will see...they are all fighting for light but all growing well as of now.....let me know when u start ya journal...
  15. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Forgot the pics...
  16. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    So far so good. Still going strong. I have held off on using co2 to make sure that they dont grow out of control on me. But I will start using it tomorrow...some suggest that you dont use co2 till the third week anyway...but it was just a idea...and i have been paying more attention to my ph...
  17. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Quick question....y not just buy some clones...and cut down on the grow time... i mean thats what i did...i dont plan on growing from seed untill i get a mothership and maintain them from there....just a thought...i mean I am pretty sure you could find someone with some clones that you would...
  18. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    oK I know this took forever but here is an update. Day 12 floweing. So far so god. Nutrients Bloom A & B 55ml Voodo Juice 100ml Kushie Kush 40 ML Sensizym 100 ML Rhino Skin 15 ML Bud Candy30 ML Big Bud 120 ML Humic 40 ML PH = 5.6 PPM 820 Some of the leaves have this weird discoloration...
  19. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    so far no problems with the drip system...only one but its my doing....the panda film that i used to cover the rockwool.....sometimes the water catches on to that...and makes a little i have to check that...but box is the to jack he will set u up....
  20. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    everything is going camera tripped...out on me so i have not been able to take pictures...but buds are showing changed the res yesterday....i will have some pics up by tomorrow....i think i am goig to run into a room problem too....we will see pics up tomorrow....and nut solution.....