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  1. doublejj

    Ms. POTUS?

    Next he will sue her to get his money back...
  2. doublejj

    Ms. POTUS?

    Donald Trump donated to Kamala Harris' campaigns twice while he was a private citizen, records show
  3. doublejj

    Ms. POTUS?

    Martha Stewart is a felon...
  4. doublejj

    Ms. POTUS?

    There are lots of degrees of felons. If you cannot do the time don't do the crime, (and I'm a grower and i know the risks). Anarchy is the alternative. Kamala has held many deserving criminals accountable for their crimes.
  5. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    Bernie is just another old white guy in the swing voters eyes...Kamala for the win
  6. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    There are far bigger issues at stake in 2024 than Cannabis (and I'm a grower). Her cannabis record is small potatoes compared to everything else on the plate.
  7. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    I'd rather not see a bunch of democratic infighting over the nomination, it only makes them look weak and undecided and gives the republicans ammo to campaign with. Dems need to rally behind Kamala and women's rights, and they will win
  8. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    Kamala Harris never arrested anyone for Cannabis. As DA she did a good job of prosecuting felons, (trump should be afraid) with her newly minted presidential immunity she can raise hell with the all crooked republicans...
  9. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    All eyes will be on Kamala now and all she has to do is keep talking about women's rights and project 2025. More swing voters will hear what she had to say and will be motivated to vote for her.
  10. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    What could "lame duck" Biden accomplish between now and Jan with all of his new immunity powers bestowed upon him by the Supreme Court?.... :eyesmoke:
  11. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    It would make 2024 the "women's rights" election...:cool:
  12. doublejj

    So Biden has just dropped out of the 2024 race

    interesting strategy, putting the country before yourself. That's something a republican would never do. It really shows a stark contrast in political parties..
  13. doublejj

    Ms. POTUS?

    I like presidents that have convicted 34 felons...
  14. doublejj

    Ms. POTUS?

  15. doublejj

    Need an inexpensive soil on can buy on amazon for outdoor flowering

    I have good luck with Happy Frog soil and Maxsea fertilizer per label directions....I also add 1 tbl epsom salts per gallon at every other feeding. It's been a good combo for me. Best of luck
  16. doublejj

    Need an inexpensive soil on can buy on amazon for outdoor flowering

    I've had good luck with happy frog....
  17. doublejj

    Net Trellis outdoors with 4 wooden stakes. How do you hold up the netting

    we use fencepost and either just slip the trellis over the post or we use zipties. Best of luck. we like to use several layers.
  18. doublejj

    doublejj's 2024 adventure

    Thank you however it's the farm crews that do all the hard work.