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  1. C

    Nirvana short rider first grow anyhelp would be great

    Thanks guys like i said this is just a trail run for me she is a femised seed and can only see white hairs no balls or sacks and she is on a 18/6 cycle and in a good grow tent which lets no light in i no this cause being sad i got someone to zip me up inside and i could not see a thing lol, so...
  2. C

    Nirvana short rider first grow anyhelp would be great

    whats ur thoughts guys does she look normal!!!
  3. C

    Nirvana short rider first grow anyhelp would be great

    I am growing just one femised nirvana short rider seed under a 125 cfl red spectrum bulb in a grow tent with a clip on fan giving it 18-6 light i am currently at 25 days into the grow and the plant looks healthy and has started to sprout little white hairs she stands at about ten inchs and is...
  4. C

    Nirvana short rider first grow anyhelp would be great

    I am growing just one femised nirvana short rider seed under a 125 cfl red spectrum bulb in a grow tent with a clip on fan giving it 18-6 light i am currently at 25 days into the grow and the plant looks healthy and has started to sprout little white hairs she stands at about ten inchs and is...