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  1. matt64

    Cannabis Law Reform - Clear for all you stoners out there, join! support the U.K
  2. matt64

    Cannabis Law Reform - Clear

    All you stoners out there join on facebook!
  3. matt64

    2 plants huh??

    and I haven't dropped 2 seeds in 1 pot.. I know that for certain
  4. matt64

    2 plants huh??

    Its definately not 'weed' its actually a cannabis sprout
  5. matt64

    2 plants huh??

    My plant has a little seedling growing next to it? can anybody explain why this is happening?
  6. matt64

    Is all going well?

    added some nitrogen today, I'll add a few pictures up later :) btw about flowering do any of you guys know when they will start outdoors?
  7. matt64

    Is all going well?

    Where I live you can't really get much nutrient wise, but I got some of this summer fruits citrus feed which is in crystal form.. also I got some tomorite tomatoe feed.
  8. matt64

    Is all going well?

    Hi guys this is my outdoor grow here in the U.K the weather in the past week has been really shitty and I am just wondering if you think the plants are doing okay? the strain is pineapple chunk and they have been outside since the 21st april.
  9. matt64

    The UK Growers Thread!

    anyone that's got facebook! check this out
  10. matt64

    Miracle Gro All Purpose Compost

    Hi I'm growing in 100% miracle gro all purpose compost? will it burn my seedlings?
  11. matt64

    Barneys Little Cheese Auto

    friend just got me a pack of 3 fem little cheese auto's anyone ever grown these? what's the taste,yield flowering time like?
  12. matt64

    Transplant Problem

    hi everyone! I'm growing barneys farm pineapple chunk outdoor here in the U.K for my first ever grow and I just transplanted from a small 8L pot to a big 20L pot I think I may have ripped some of the plant roots though? the leafs are acting a little droopy too, advice would be helpful!
  13. matt64

    Tinfoil and Outdoor?

    do you know where I can get these bags mate?
  14. matt64

    Tinfoil and Outdoor?

    you sure? in the U.K the temps at the moment is anything between 17-23 celsius which is like 63-75 farenheit.
  15. matt64

    Tinfoil and Outdoor?

    Hi guys, Outdoor uk grower here. Just a quick question i've recently put behind my plants a sheet of tinfoil to reflect onto the plants but i've read from places that tinfoil creates hotspots.. can anyone give me some advice here please? Thanks
  16. matt64

    Growng Outdoor in The United Kingdom?

    I live in Southern England and was wondering if anyones ever grown outdoors in our climate?
  17. matt64

    Cannabis Legislation For The UK

    I can't imagine it some how? especially with David Cameron in charge.
  18. matt64

    can some1 help...i want to grow outside in cumbria uk

    grow it indoors in the U.K mate.. you know what the laws are like over here!
  19. matt64

    Best Greenhouse strain for a beginner?

    meetjoeblow basically I wanna be able to grow 4-5 plants for personal use and that I can smoke with friends atm I am only 17 years old living at home I have atleast 2 x 2 x 2m space to work with. I would much rather grow with soil but what type of nutes do you reckon I will need? would...
  20. matt64

    Best Greenhouse strain for a beginner?

    cheers man, I'm a noob atm and was wondering if is this a decent set up? will I need anything else with that ? many thanks