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  1. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    I ate him
  2. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    I won't lie. Most of that was Klingon to me. Can I get that dumbed down
  3. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    What about agsil 16h? Would that be better than armor si? It says it's water soluble.
  4. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    I do use diatomaceous earth. But I just mix a teaspoon in when I water. Should I do something different
  5. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    I also use real growers recharge if that helps. I try to keep my soil microbes high
  6. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    But is Armour si soluble in soil. I'm currently using FF OF.
  7. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    I just bought stout msa. I wanted to get grow genius but I didn't have any spare arms and legs. I've used Armour si for a while but not getting the results I wanted. And to answer the question I've done a lot of research on silicic acid. Just can't afford the good stuff and don't want to waste...
  8. Master Jedi

    Bioavailable potassium silicate

    I'm new to this so forgive if it's been asked, but how long does it take for potassium silicate to become bioavailable, and is there a way to speed up the process. At the moment I'm using Armour si and realized that it has to break down before being useful.