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  1. doublejj

    Is Biden fit for duty?

    Trump is too old and incited a coup. Biden is too old and mixes up names. America, how to choose?
  2. doublejj

    doublejj's 2024 adventure

    Real California Cannabis
  3. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

  4. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership The ordinances were passed after being approved by voters in local ballot propositions. They prohibit police from making arrests or issuing citations for misdemeanor...
  5. doublejj

    War All this hardware is U.S. military surplus—and is available to Greece, free of charge, under a U.S. legal authority called “excess...
  6. doublejj

    The renewable energy changes and policy

    ‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show Experts say the documents show the fossil fuel industry had intimate involvement in the inception of modern climate science, along with its warnings of the severe harm climate change will wreak...
  7. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    I'm sure they had some food in the tent even after we warned them not to...
  8. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    Our farms are very remote in the mountains in Northern California, and it's the local population of bears and mountain lions that give the trimmigrants a startle every once in a while. One year all the trimmers took to sleeping inside a metal 40ft shipping container because a large black bear...
  9. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    So once trim camp opens in late June, it pretty much runs continuously until Dec......"Welcome to the hotel California, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"..
  10. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    This greenhouse is a little behind so we would run lights for another couple of weeks, harvest in Nov-Dec.
  11. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    This is a one of the greenhouses that has been replanted in July after we harvested our first light Dep crop. The first crop was started as clones in Jan and planted into the greenhouse in Feb we ran lights till early April. Pulled tarps till early June & harvested end of June. The plants below...
  12. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    all of our cannabis gets lab tested, the wholesalers require it..
  13. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    We supply mostly to wholesalers...they send buyers out to the farms
  14. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    That's above my pay grade. One of our crew has an Ag degree from UC Davis, & that's his main function. However I start the process by providing pest free healthy clones. Had to start everything over from scratch last year due to possible HLVd viroid contamination. Threw everything out and...
  15. doublejj

    This summer I want to grow a huge plant outdoors. Advice?

    1000gl planter boxes....these plants were 15ft tall and produced over 10lbs each