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  1. Budda189


    Hey if you have any more spare id be beyond grateful! I've always been scared to ask other members for some strange reason lol if anyone else can help me here in the states that would be great!!! I'd love to try my hand at a few stable genetics in my setup and see what works best for me.
  2. Budda189


    Hey guys I'm new here and also a first time grower. I love a good Diy low budget thread! Lol Heres my logic for those who say it's not viable or possible. Most ppl are modest users and just want to either cut out the middle man or just want better quality than available in their area if they can...
  3. Budda189

    Dusting off and updating my old grow cabinet

    Nice! Glad to see everything working out!
  4. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    OK so a lot has changed since my last post. After some much needed mentoring from a respected member of RUI, things are going great if not better than what I expected. Last time I got one male so decided to germ the rest of the bag seeds I had left. 2 of the 4 popped. Planted both in soil abut...
  5. Budda189

    Dusting off and updating my old grow cabinet

    Maybe double up on exhaust(bigger filter)?? Or if you have lights on during the day switch to lights on at night to take advantage of cooler night temps. I'm no pro and maybe wait for some more professional answers lol but that would be my next steps. Just recently it got into the mid 70's...
  6. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    Hey it was Def sacks lol showed up on another spot so decided to pull HIM this morning. Still have the other which seems to be doing great. Also waiting four other seeds to sprout to start again! Hopefully the odds will be greater this round. Gonna order a few autos this week as well.
  7. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    OK guys so bad news(I think). Today I decided to top the Older one. As I do so I noticed balls! (I think) pls help me determine if it is in fact balls or just some type of new growth. Its only in the area where I just topped. Gonna wait to see if anymore pop up in a few days before I chuck it. I...
  8. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    Day 14: nothing special besides normal growth and the bigger one has a very heavy skunky smell already! I can't stop sniffing it lmao just gave them a lititle water as leaves started to hang slightly. Temps dropped last night due to room being so cold from snow. But all is back to normal. Here's...
  9. Budda189


  10. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    OK a better pic. Im so anxious/excited to find out sex lol
  11. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    Thanks @KrazyG! Yes going to try lst this one and may top other just because lol should i start lst now? I'll admit tho topping scares the hell out of me lmao. Maybe link my in to a few reads?
  12. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    Quick update: plants love new environment! Temps are no more than 87f. Deformed one is Def moving faster than other which is only a few days behind. Thoughts??
  13. Budda189

    Thinking of a Diy Full spectrum led Panel

    @bertosmurf I honestly don't think it's a case of being butt hurt lol. This is the way I see it. We as new growers are clueless! Period. I'm literally learning something new everyday thru forums like this and others. We come to these sites seeking knowledge from those who've already made the...
  14. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    Very interesting reads! Def tagging along for both.
  15. Budda189

    Dusting off and updating my old grow cabinet

    Nice setup! I love a good Diy probject. Are you planning on making this a perpetual grow?
  16. Budda189

    Thinking of a Diy Full spectrum led Panel

    Hey there! My setup it similar and I almost made the same mistake you just did with the light. I'm no expert by any means and I just started my first grow. I did however take the advice of a few guys here and came out cheaper then ordering and was able to get it all Same day! Take a look at my...
  17. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    Ok cool was just worried it's was something I did/doing wrong lol.
  18. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    OK so I found a way to get the domes off the lights and was able to get all 8 in now! I'm monitoring Temps as week speak. I also found some things for light trap. Tubing is a bit to big so heading back to get sliver flexibility ducting. I'd be able to bent it better. Plants are loving the new...
  19. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    Thank you so much for your input! I did in fact take @KrazyG advice! He's secretly mentoring me he just doesn't know it yet lmfaooo
  20. Budda189

    First time stealth DIY build and grow.

    OK I bought the 8 pack but only able to fit 6 in without bulbs touching. I think I have a solution to get all 8 in tho lol. Also grabed some things for Diy light trap. I don't have time to really mess around with it until later. (It's match day!) Here's a shot of the little ones basking in...