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  1. doublejj

    doublejj's 2024 adventure

    Here we go. A few pics to get this 2024 adventure started. 400 plants in a 140'x30' greenhouse at about 4 weeks into flowering. This will be the first of several runs scheduled for this greenhouse in 2024. I will post update pics regularly thru the season. Here's to a great 2024 to everyone. All...
  2. doublejj


  3. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    that poor lady..... I hope they dont arrest her if she returns. She should probably just stay out of texas. p.s. thank you
  4. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    In the Republican state of Texas the Judges decide your health care, not your many Texas Judges do you think have Medical training? smh Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocks pregnant woman from emergency abortion...
  5. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

    The only way that goof would be showing compassion would be if he thinks it's an American secret...
  6. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

  7. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

    Melania was planted by the russians .....
  8. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

  9. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

    If you mean weaponize the DOJ to do their job and enforce the law, I agree. trump belongs behind bars. trump is a criminal and a conman and it will soon be proven in court. Lock him up.....
  10. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

    I like Presidents that aren't indicted criminals.....
  11. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

    The last republican President that cared about America....
  12. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

  13. doublejj

    War Slava Ukraini..
  14. doublejj

    Climate in the 21st Century

    I made my cybertruck reservation in the first hrs of tesla taking orders, so I have a place near the front of the line. I will look into whether or not I can sell my reservation to someone who ordered a truck later and is not wanting to wait. Or I may just take delivery and sell to the highest...
  15. doublejj

    Climate in the 21st Century

    I think they are trying to identify people like me that are no longer interested in a Cybertruck. and to clear some of the Millions of trucks on back order. and also clear some of the unsold cars que'd up on their production line.
  16. doublejj

    Climate in the 21st Century

    I received this email from Elon Musk
  17. doublejj

    RIU Biden Job Approval Poll

  18. doublejj


    You still have a couple of chances to beat the Eagles....that would be nice
  19. doublejj

    Chauvin Trial

    The attack happened at the Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson, a medium-security prison that has been plagued by security lapses and staffing shortages. The Bureau of Prisons confirmed that an incarcerated person was assaulted at FCI Tucson at around 12:30 p.m. local time Friday. In a...
  20. doublejj

    Chauvin Trial

    Ex-officer convicted in George Floyd's killing stabbed in prison, AP source says