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  1. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    US mother sentenced to two years in prison for giving daughter abortion pills Jessica Burgess, a Nebraska mother accused of helping her teenage daughter use pills to end her pregnancy, was sentenced on Friday to two years in prison...
  2. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    House GOP Unveils Budget With Trillions in Cuts to Medicaid, Food Benefits, and More The new proposal underscores the Republican Party's "thirst for cruel budget cuts," said Democratic Rep. Brendan Boyle.
  3. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Republican candidate for Missouri governor vows to burn books Republican candidate for Missouri governor on Monday vowed to burn books if elected
  4. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    South Carolina is one of 18 states to restrict education on race since 2021, according to an Education Week tally. And at least half the country has passed laws that limit instruction on race, history, sex or gender identity...
  5. doublejj

    Climate in the 21st Century

    California sues oil giants alleging ‘climate risks deception’: Report Five oil majors are accused of downplaying the risks posed by fossil fuels since the 1950s
  6. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Lets see what the jury says about that traitorous bastard.
  7. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Yeah except it's republican hypocrisy....You should be outraged at any american being persecuted like this, however because his dad is a democrat, you find it humorous.
  8. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Like the one you think Hunter should take?...
  9. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    They will exempt all republicans so there's that.....
  10. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Democrats only of course...
  11. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    And just like that Republicans were all in favor of enforcing gun
  12. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    How about charge Elon Musk with the same crimes?....
  13. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    I have no doubt the NRA will rush to Hunter's defense and Republicans will be protesting in the streets about their 2nd amendment rights being infringed
  14. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Or how about Kid Rock?....
  15. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Do you think the republicans will go after Joe Rogan next? I know I saw him smoking weed with Elon the Muskrat on his podcast and I know Rogan owns guns...
  16. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Do you mean like how trump wants firing squads for traitors?... ‘Death Penalty, Bring It Forth!’: Trump Loves Capital Punishment Trump has openly called for capital punishment to be used against people he’s accused of “treason,” “spying,” and other crimes for years...
  17. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    99.99999% of people guilty of this violation never see a day in jail, why treat Hunter any different?
  18. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    I know I kicked smoking weed just hrs before my last firearm purchase.....however I soon had a relapse.
  19. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    yeah if the average republican was charged with this they would all be up in arms (pun intended) about unconstitutional gun laws....
  20. doublejj

    Hunter Biden Indicted By Law Joe Biden Helped Make

    Is hunter a certified lab tech? How do we know the alleged drugs he was sold wasn't bunk? The Feds better be able to prove it was real dope or it's all hearsay. All hunter has to say is it was all a lie to sell a book and the feds will have to prove otherwise....