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  1. Island Sweet Skunk

    Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

    thanx... never seen them before. but how do they relate to each other?
  2. Island Sweet Skunk

    Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

    illumination did you say they were part of demon seeds? and who the hell are demon seeds?
  3. Island Sweet Skunk

    ANYone Growing GrapeGOD!!!
  4. Island Sweet Skunk

    ANYone Growing GrapeGOD!!!

    Very nice strain, Next Generation is legit.
  5. Island Sweet Skunk

    ANYone Growing GrapeGOD!!!

    My avatar is GG , thats the only thing I can upload.
  6. Island Sweet Skunk

    ANYone Growing GrapeGOD!!!

    Nice plants smokey, I'm also growing the GG. I wish i knew how to post pics, but I'm a noob and can't seem to figure it out. I also have some Island Sweet Skunk and it is amazing also.
  7. Island Sweet Skunk

    Medical Marijuana Facility Raided by DEA (Lansing, MI)

    I wonder if it was because six other people were also growing there?
  8. Island Sweet Skunk


    Real Detroiters hates you girls. Let the corny music die.
  9. Island Sweet Skunk

    Attitude Seed bank feminised all males!!

    Like they said "it's not Attitudes fault", even the best breeders will throw hermie seeds in feminized seeds. Don't buy fems, learn from your mistakes.
  10. Island Sweet Skunk

    whats the best from GHS

    SHANTIBABA is da REALEST!!!!!!!